View Full Version : More operating systems?

09-21-2011, 09:22 PM
Could we get some more stock tunes in the library with the other OS's? I have 2 trucks to try my hand at, and both have been molested by other products. This seems to cause problems, and neither of them is in the library. Also, have any problems been found like we have on duramaxes, with different options on trucks with the same OS not working?

mispeeld with tapatalkz

EFI Support
09-22-2011, 12:14 AM
I'm not aware of any other OS's that need to be added to the library. To make sure we are on the same track, have you matched the 4 digits highlighted in red with the OS details in the calibration summary as detailed in each of the stock files? (example) Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together - EFI Live Files - 2007 50325053AB (11501001) Auto Federal (http://www.competitiondiesel.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=31)

What OS's are you looking for?

And, at this point we haven't been made aware of any issues with option differences. It seems Cummins doesn't have the same level of problems as GM in this regard.


09-22-2011, 12:56 AM
I might need to look closer at the red numbers when I get home. I've been going by the last 4 of the OS #. I have one with a 2601, and the other one i'm not 100% sure right now (im at wo rk) but its 4092 or 9045 or something. I guess i'm not up on the incomplete calibration thing, I'm not seeing that When i read these. The details of handling the cummins tunes are so different from gm that It blows my mind. I've just started dealing with them this week, so I have a ways to go.

mispeeld with tapatalkz

09-22-2011, 08:58 AM
OK, I see the tune with the matching red numbers. I was thinking that the number in () needed to match as well. Thanks Cindy.

EFI Support
09-22-2011, 09:36 PM
Got to love an easy fix :) Good luck with the tuning
