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    Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together - View Single Post - Son of a Gun
    Yea best i can tell is the tranny must have took a hit when the engine let loose.Im hoping this is what caused the issue. My drive pressures are crazy,i will be doing some turbo modifications to see if i can make it work better.
    You sent me a PM but can't get PM's back???? so I'll try here.....

    Yeah....they're great up to about 80 psi they are 1 to 1 and about (3200) rpm. After that drive gets away (the gate on the secondary is too small).

    At 5500 full load I've seen drive as high as 150lbs.....:nail: Need a lot more charger now.

    Did I see your tearing down already? A punched out main bearing??? Even after the abuse and RPMs I've been putting to mine, the mains always look perfect. The rod bearings are sure getting stressed though.

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