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  • Hey Travis,

    Is it still possible to get one of the Competition diesel Hoodies with the skull and pistons? I bleached my husbands.... Is there a link to a store? looks like stonechurchgraphics is no longer a thing?

    Here is the link to my thread on that boating club. Please post that picture for me buddy.
    Thanks! John

    S.E. Antique Boat Owners, BEWARE! - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together
    Hey buddy. Sent you a text about how close you were to colorado springs? I am interested in the 99 1500 the guy just put on compd. Let me know if you are willing to look at it if your close enough. Thank you
    Hi Travis,
    I have tried to contact Tim to advertise my diesel store on CompD with no success. Scott Vorhees is a good buddy of mine and he said Tim's house was destroyed in the storm. That's understandable why he hasn't responded back to me. Do you know of anyone else that I can get in touch with about the different advertisement packages available?
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