Doesn't get much better!

Opinions Vary

New member
Oct 18, 2012
Shootout Productions has run the best pulls I've been to. The crew, officials, techs, and members are all professional and take their job seriously. The classes run smoothly and are always on time. Anyone that is looking for a new place or club to pull with in the Northeast, Shootout Productions Inc is where I'll be headed all summer long. for last years rules with some minor changes this year including a 2.5 class.
Cant wait to see someone beat rich stanley next year :evil :evil :evil :evil :poke:

All in good fun, right Rich? bif
Any idea when the rules are going to be released?

Hey Jake, essentially 2.6 will be using PPL rules but will we retain the NADM 2.650 turbocharger rules. Rules have been written in rough draft and should be able to post in about a week or two? Sorry for the delay, but with all the confusion with PPL's 2014 rules we wanted to be sure we got it right the 1st time.
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