

Nov 14, 2013
this just pisses me off! Anyone else?
Yup mine's starting on both sides, also inside the bed in the back below the two holes where it's double steel there too. Sh!t sucks
Right there with you, my drivers side fender on the bed is starting to bubble.
The bed on my 08 is doing the exact same thing. Im think im gonna aay F-IT and put an aluminum flat bed on it. The electric blue paint is $$$$.
My buddy put flares on his.... no way will I do it, I'll just buy a bed when it gets bad enough.
So because I am not a body/paint kind of guy, does one just sand that down and repaint it, or what?

I just bought a 2500 suburban that has a few tiny bubbles starting.
Newer than 2000? If so, you're fcukde. There was a factory flaw with the foam and inner fender lining that cause water to collect.

If it's eating away the paint into the metal, sand and reapply paint. If it's bubbling up and the paint is still holding together, it's trashed.
So because I am not a body/paint kind of guy, does one just sand that down and repaint it, or what?

I just bought a 2500 suburban that has a few tiny bubbles starting.

All the rust needs cut out and new metal welded in. then fill, sand, prime, paint, clear
Newer than 2000? If so, you're fcukde. There was a factory flaw with the foam and inner fender lining that cause water to collect.

If it's eating away the paint into the metal, sand and reapply paint. If it's bubbling up and the paint is still holding together, it's trashed.

It's a 2002.

and it is bubbling up from the inside, oh crap.
I wish Pa would do like other states and just plow the roads, no salt no brine, just plow it or let it lay. It's ridiculous what that stuff does to a vehicle.