To the man with the funny accent from Georgia...


New member
May 9, 2012
I'm not on here often anymore but I came on here to catch up and figured I'd leave this. Thank you for OUTSTANDING customer service and an excellent product! Look forward to future business my friend :Cheer:

Paul- MHT

(converter is on its way back BTW)
I thought your accent was funny. We alway try to give our customers the best product and support possible. Thanks buddy.
Phil is top notch for sure. Thats who ive got my last convertors from and where ill buy every other one I need.
Phil sounded normal when I purchased my drivetrain goodies

Another vote for an awesome product!! Triple disk is taking the beating! Not sure what his issue is, I understood you just fine!
I'm from NJ....I don't have an accent. LOL

Says Boston but same thing. LOL


X3 for outstanding product and service from Phil! :D
