pump work

Dang!!! Never expected to start all this bif while just looking for some pump info.
I hope Seth chimes in eventually.
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POW! That happened!!! Jim is one of the best dudes in diesel anybody will ever meet and a hand shake strong enough to put Hulk Hogan on his knees and has probably forgotten more than most members will ever learn.

Put the pipe down Chris.
Jeeze, looks like I missed some excitement on here this weekend :lolly:

What's the current rate for getting a 911 pump benched and maxed out?
What's the turnaround time?
About how many CCs can you get out of it with 4k springs and 8MM SDX Comp DVs?

Sorry for the delay. To answer your question, we charge $250 to max/balance the pumps and I'd say your set-up should flow roughly 500-525cc.

If you've got any other questions feel free to PM me or post them up here. :Cheer:

Btw, thanks for the edit Travis! It happened so quickly I couldn't even see what other shop he was trying to pimp!
For future reference, how much to convert a 215 pump to a 13mm and add 5k's?
For future reference, how much to convert a 215 pump to a 13mm and add 5k's?

Ballpark quote I'd say ~$1950 out the door (complete teardown, inspection, assembly with new seals and gaskets, and calibrated to your specs/goals). FWIW, that's using new Bosch barrels and plungers, not the asian junk.
I honestly really appreciate the prices posted as a reply. realistic answers. not a "pm sent" reply...

thank you
Jeeze, looks like I missed some excitement on here this weekend :lolly:

Sorry for the delay. To answer your question, we charge $250 to max/balance the pumps and I'd say your set-up should flow roughly 500-525cc.

If you've got any other questions feel free to PM me or post them up here. :Cheer:

Btw, thanks for the edit Travis! It happened so quickly I couldn't even see what other shop he was trying to pimp!

Thanks for the info. I'll be sending it your way shortly.
Started out pretty funny then got all serious, double check on Seth for pumps!

I hear ya Jim. I can't believe Cliff suggested a pickle.