Laser welders.


Active member
Feb 26, 2008
Anyone run them. Starting to look at them for some of the welds at the shop.
I’ve watched them through the little periscope thing. Cool machines.
How big of a machine are you looking at?
Don't need big, just needs to be able to penetrate .15" thick on 304 stainless.
Have you looked at an autotig ( automatic TIG welding machine)?
I don't know about LBW, but it is not common for a reason. Lazers are far more widely used for "drilling".
I had assumed his turntables were already being used to automate his tig process.
Come on, Ron, spill ALL of the beans. We need trade secrets.
I have discovered that .15" thick is "Big" in the small laser weld world.:hehe:
Yes .15 is huge that's something an Auto Tig is great for, laser welding is really used for the really thin stuff, atleast in the medical field it was. Anything over .062 we would Auto Tig that.
Laser welding also can be costly with all of the gas required. Electron beam welders have lower operating costs, however the intial costs were large. These are for machines that are high volume manufacturing though.
You could mount a big one in an airplane and shoot a house full of jiffy pop. That would be awesome
You could mount a big one in an airplane and shoot a house full of jiffy pop. That would be awesome

I had no idea that Ron was actually Dr. Evil.
Only for high alloys that are so thin, you could "fit" them with your bare hands.

I had no idea that Ron was actually Dr. Evil.

The stainless steel laser housings are too heavy for the sharks to swim with. That's why I need the laser welder. Titanium allows them to swim faster.