The significance of April 21st 2015, for e-commerce websites

I don't have any idea what you're talking about Rustin (Phil pays me to get beer and break fingers) but at the bottom of the page you can change the page format to "mobile version". Does that not count in the eyes of the google?

No, it does not.
Here is the link as to what google see's
Competition Diesel mobile OK fail.


Is it "fresh"?

Also, I re-read the title of the thread. Didn't notice that it read "e-commerce" websites. We don't make any money so I'm guessing he wasn't talking about us.

It is directed to all platforms. Here is a link to Google's blog stating what I'm talking about. Finding More Mobile Friendly Searchl

As you can see by my screen shots your issues are not entirely code, but more of a formatting issue, or esthetics for mobile platforms. having a clickable link at a the bottom for mobile versions, is not good enough if google and the public cannot see it. So you may have to re-code so that it is automatic when a mobile device logs on. This is standard procedure.
Huh. Interesting. Like I said, I only get beer. Who uses the Google anyways.
Thanks Rustin! I was able to take the landing page from 64/100 to 91/100 and 94/100 respectively. I also learned a bunch of HTML5 + CSS in the process.
Thanks Rustin! I was able to take the landing page from 64/100 to 91/100 and 94/100 respectively. I also learned a bunch of HTML5 + CSS in the process.

That's what I'm here for. I'm glad somebody was able to see some value in this.
That's what I'm here for. I'm glad somebody was able to see some value in this.

I took lots of value from it. It's a serious issue that must be handled immediately. The internetz is serious bizness.
Rustin- we need to talk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
6410 johndeere tractor pto will work but shuts itself off I changed the sensor on the pto shaft but still the same any thing that may help me
No worries, his head imploded immediately after that post like a spent g'nat
Eating Internet Crow! I'm sorry CompD.

I'm waking up this thread for a good reason. Every so often a person gets duped. "There is a sucker born every minute." I will never hammer a person for admitting they are wrong. I move on and give them another chance, others might want to give the person their just rewards. As Captain Jack Sparrow would say after being slapped, "I might have deserved that."


Ok, so on to eating Crow.

  1. It is highly unusual for me to get duped by Google, but it happened. I will explain in a minute.
  2. I should have stayed with my understanding of Google's non existant Mobile Search.
  3. If the news is too good from Google, step back for a second! I have seen this before. Matt Cutts is a half truth Google mouth piece. And FYI Google is looking for an SEO person. :lolly:

The news of "Mobilegeddeon" was exciting for one reason. Google has never, ever released news and threatened penalties for not complying. I fell for this hard! So with that, I'm Sorry for releasing false information, that came directly from Google!

On a positive note, it allowed us to get on the ball and become more responsive to the smart phone and other internet device's appetite that continues to grow. So to all that went in and started working on mobile versions of their websites. Congratulations for wanting to be up to date with your potential clients.

This is where the rubber meets the road. While I was traveling I decided to let one of my testing websites to be the one hit by this news. It was one of my HTML sites that I have never built a mobile platform for.

Conclusion: To my surprise (sarcasm), nothing happened to it. I used various clean devices to search it on Google. It showed up on all searches. Once again it validated, that there is no such thing as mobile search. It does not exist, don't argue with me.

What happened was Google is having trouble looking at websites through it's "Android OS." So it devised this hoax and released it in one of its soft events. I happened to be at the event and became part of their plan to help make the information go viral.


Their mobile test platform gave them all kinds of information. Albeit, twas not the right information they were seeking. Usually when they do something like this, an algorithm change occurs and websites get hit hard. This was not the case, and also a good reason to never use Google webmaster tools! If anything, use WC3's mobile check tool, it is quite detailed. Only bad thing about it, its useless if your wrapping non html code designed for non traditional internet devices around your website. Apple does an excellent job of rendering these websites, and this is why Google needed to learn about these platforms.

So there you go.