Jesus Christ loves YOU


Apr 22, 2009
He loves you so much, he died on the Cross for you. On the third day, he was resurrected.

It doesn't matter what you've done in your life, Jesus paid for all sin in full. Past, Present and Future. He can and will forgive you of your sins and will give you eternal life (Salvation). All you have to do is accept him.

He changed my life. I've never been more free in all of my life.
You don't have to go to church and be baptized in order to be saved. As a matter of fact, water baptizim is simply a public display of your faith. I'm not saying "don't" get baptized, I'm saying it's not necessary for your Salvation. You get Salvation through faith alone.

If you would like to be forgiven of your sins and receive the Awesome free gift of Eternal Life, pray this simple prayer and mean it from your heart:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you paid my sin debt in full. I repent of my sins Lord Jesus, come into my heart, wash me clean, I make you my Lord and Savior.

If you prayed that simple prayer, you are a new creation in Christ Jesus (Born Again). Welcome to the family. If I may suggest, get yourself a Bible that you can understand and immerse yourself in God's word. It's Life's book. I like the NLT version of the Chronological Life Application Study Bible. It's a great edition.

God said, "You don't have because you don't ask". Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.
Thanks. My God is an awesome God! and I'm almost sure he blesses all oil burners.
God is great. Crazy how things work, listening to some Gospel music on my way to work this morning which is not usually what I listen to but felt led to do so. Jump on CompD and this is the first thread I see. God works in our lives everyday we just don't take the time to see it.
God is great. Crazy how things work, listening to some Gospel music on my way to work this morning which is not usually what I listen to but felt led to do so. Jump on CompD and this is the first thread I see. God works in our lives everyday we just don't take the time to see it.

Its crazy how even when we don't see it, God is working in and through our lives. We all need to take time to appreciate it each and every day. I know when I take the time to, it makes my days go much better.
Its crazy how even when we don't see it, God is working in and through our lives. We all need to take time to appreciate it each and every day. I know when I take the time to, it makes my days go much better.

Exactly. My wife and I read 1 Timothy 4-5 last night and heard a sermon today that was on 1 Timothy 5. This happens all the time and is truly inspiring.