7.3 Holset Hx50


New member
Jan 31, 2013
E99 7.3. I have a lead on a t4i setup and an hx50. Specs given to me was 77x99 cold, 86x72 hot, 19cm. Seems really large and need 300/200's or the like to light it and keep lit.

So what I need help with. I know it can be modded but by me? Pointed in the right direction to get the mods an what sizes you would recommend for say 238/80's. I would like it to light before 1900-2000 rpms. Towing now and then. Also is the hx50 a solid turbo or stay away. I know the h2e is a solid turbo, but if going new I'll just stick with t4 setup.
LOL thanks for the compliment. I'm 42 SAD FACE. I do get carded to buy cigars when I shave though. LOL

If I didn't explain what I needed to please ask?
Wish I could help you but don't know a thing about 7.3's. Also you don't hear much about hx50's, it's mostly all BW'S. probably unrelated but I rode in a 7.3 with a 467.7/83/1.00 that I was impressed with, clean and ran strong, not Cummins strong but good, ha.
I’m not 100% but I don’t think an hx50 is a 77mm inducer. I believe an hx60 is around 75mm.

An hx52 is t4i flange and 67mm inducer
Wish I could help you but don't know a thing about 7.3's. Also you don't hear much about hx50's, it's mostly all BW'S. probably unrelated but I rode in a 7.3 with a 467.7/83/1.00 that I was impressed with, clean and ran strong, not Cummins strong but good, ha.

Yes that is a great combo. Not sure what injectors he was running but that was my preferred setup with 250/100's.

What injectors, Setup comes with 300/200's, but I want to mod it to run 238/80 or 250/100's.

Single 20 degree hpop.

Auto. BD diesel 4r100 with triple disc TC. Not my choice, but what is in it, previous owner.

Specs given to me buy perspective seller. 71x99 cold, 86x72 hot, 19 cm.
Thats why I'm looking for help to mod it. And if turbo is any good. If not I don't want to invest in t4i setup. Rather do t4
What inj you going with? Dual HPOPS?

I personally think with the HEUI system, the oil is over looked. Oh this hpop will support just enough. IMHO its huge. Especially with AC's and larger nozzles. Hybrids over 100 nozzles and AC's with 80 to 100 nzzles need Duels or Gen 3. Again just my opinion. Also, you can think what you want, until the checkbook is pulled out. Funny how other obligations show up. LOL
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T4 kit is where its at an the best way to go as lomg as you have the funds to support it!
I personally would go with a straight t4 setup if going through the hassle of swapping out. That way you won't be so turbo limited. go with single shot 280/80 or 100 and have the tuner set it up to do what ever you want. An adrenaline hpop will be enough for those inj with good tuning.. i think 300/200 are to big to tow anyway..

Go with the 467 or similar turbo and dont look back.