Prayer Request Thread

Well, I just got home from doing some fessin' at the big house this morning. I said a prayer for those in need get what they need and for myself. 6 weeks ago tomorrow I had a shoulder surgery. Most people have 3 holes in their shoulder and it lasts about an hour. I had 5 holes, 4 anchors, 2 1/2 hours in surgery, badly torn rotator and a shredded bicep muscle. This next week is the start of a minimum 4 months of physical therapy before I can even think of going back to work.

But, what I got is small beans compared to most.
Prayed for those in this thread as well as for the country as a whole. America certainly needs a revival as things seem upside down.
I went to the doc for my test results today and everything was great, he said last Aug I had a small heart murmur and today he said he couldn't even hear it. Ive been praying that God would take it away from me and looks like He did! God has watched over me so many times I don't know why I still doubt him. Now I just need to quit being so stressed... Thanks everyone for the prayers and I will continue to keep all if you in my prayers as well!
I went to the doc for my test results today and everything was great, he said last Aug I had a small heart murmur and today he said he couldn't even hear it. Ive been praying that God would take it away from me and looks like He did! God has watched over me so many times I don't know why I still doubt him. Now I just need to quit being so stressed... Thanks everyone for the prayers and I will continue to keep all if you in my prayers as well!

That's great to hear. When my month old son was a week old we were informed of him having a heart murmur. I'm told it will most likely repair itself.
That's great to hear. When my month old son was a week old we were informed of him having a heart murmur. I'm told it will most likely repair itself.

Yea they say there very common in kids and they normally grow out of it but it scared me when I found out I had one at 27, he said adults sometimes have harmless ones as well...

After a great day I hit a dog on the way to town, I'm about sick I've never felt so bad about something. I went back and the owners weren't blaming me but I keep telling myself maybe I could have did something to avoid it. This sucks....
I feel your pain there too. I've hit two and thought afterwards I could have avoided both.
Prayers sent for all of you I haven't been here long on compd but you guys make me feel like I'm part of a family here just thought I'd say something I've been dealing with my own personal problems and depression I hope and pray all will get better for everyone in need of prayers you have mine.
Prayers sent for all of you I haven't been here long on compd but you guys make me feel like I'm part of a family here just thought I'd say something I've been dealing with my own personal problems and depression I hope and pray all will get better for everyone in need of prayers you have mine.

I realize you posted this months ago but i will be praying for you and hope things have gotten better already... I feel for you on the depression thing, I’ve been having some really bad health anxiety here lately. I think the anxiety may be causing the problems in the first place but then it just keeps feeding off its self... The doc give me a prescription for Zoloft but i haven’t been able to make myself take one yet.

I’m on a heart monitor now for 10 days because of palpitations; I ask all that will to please keep me in there prayers once again. I can pray for myself all day but sometimes my faith just isn’t what it should be. I really want to get myself in a better mind set where i can be there for my friends and family instead of me always being the weak one...
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Going to get some test results today, once again i would greatly appreciate some prayers! Im sure theres lots more out there going thru difficult times so post them up, We can never pray to much!

James 5:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
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Prayed for those in this thread that through their struggles they could be a light to those around them.

Does anyone else pray for a revival?

Maybe even for a friend or family member that you would give anything to know that their enternal address is Heaven.

How awesome would that be if those things happened!

I heard some where that all of Heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
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Got a local buddy that went under the knife yesterday at 5:30 am for open heart surgery. The pig valve he had put in years ago was failing. Got a new one put in and last I heard late last night had just made it back to ICU but was still sedated. Praying for a miracle that he survives two valve replacements.

That's great to hear. When my month old son was a week old we were informed of him having a heart murmur. I'm told it will most likely repair itself.

Just as an encouraging news, I had one as a kid and grew out of it. I did have to be careful to not over do it as far as strenuous activities but I can do about anything now!

On another note, I hope we can keep this thread going. Let's pray for America as it desperately needs a revival. We can lead this by always boasting in Christ. Everything we have is a result of his mercy on us for it wasn't for his mercy we wouldn't be able to have eternal life!

I know this is super small but any prayers for doing well on my finals would be greatly appreciated. I'm on the cusp in 3 of my classes and have to at least pass these finals to pass my classes. Thanks and let me know how I can pray or help any of you!