Current Bible prophecy--Must watch!

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Wade- you are such a devout Christian, why hide behind multiple user names on a diesel forum?

What Would Jesus Do?
Now before you jump off your high horse let me remind you that there are SEVERAL end times prophecys in the bible and books that its located in.

ezekiel, isaiah, daniel, mathew, mark, luke, john, and revelation. are the most notable, but there are others.

also know that i went to Bible school and have a better than average scope and background in Bible study...and it continues today.
That is a problem with Christians today. Everyone knows the Bible. A lot have done a lot of Bible studies. My in laws both have letters after their names and constantly take biblical studies courses. Both are licensed counselors, etc. Yet they constantly don't see the big picture. My mother in law is finally seeing things differently.

Who told you how to study? How have they influenced your view point?

Everyone I know quotes LaHaye, Piper, Warren, Dobson. They pick and choose who has the current best teaching. If anyone of these knowledgeable people says its voodoo, Christians shouldn't do it, the whole of American Christians follow. Rob Bell is one I can think of.

Look in Matthew with me.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

I don't know about you, this scares the proverbial chit outta me.

We have regressed to Christ's day. Everyone can quote the Bible, every one does the motions, we go with today's best teaching, everyone must follow today's standard of "Christian Living" oe your an outcast, and we still have Pharisees. That is not why Christ came. Christ came to liberate and make the connection between God and Man just that, between us.

isaiah 9:10 is based on Gods judgment on nations that declare themselves under GOD,then turn away. and if you've read Isaiah then you know that God judged them because they turned there backs on him, his judgment is warning of looming destruction. they didnt listen and he destroyed the temple they origonally built for him and there city and homes... They vowed "we will rebuild"

So did america! we vowed 3 times we will rebuild, in the midst of the calamity, without knowing that our issue wasent that the stuctures wernt strong enough, or our defenses wernt strong enough, but that our Faith and our trust in God wasent strong enough.

All of this happened right where we declared this a Godly nation, and on ground zero is where God destroyed the towers,and then the same stone was used to rebuild....Quarried stone and the same siccamore tree was torn down and ezre tree took its place!!!! Same as in ISRAEL!!

After all this we STILL vowed Gods judgment on our nation....We will rebuild!!

Is there an out? Yes 2nd cronicles 7:14

Rest's on the first three words...

"IF My People"which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from there wicked ways, then will i hear from heaven and forgive there sin and heal there land!

Please i challenge you to research this, you will find the truth if you choose to seek it.

Wade, read that again. If MY people. Gods people. Not the Islams, not the Greeks, not the Chinese, not the Buddhists, not the Hindu, not the American people. Jews and Christians. Again, its American Christians who need it more than ever.

God could not careless what a government says the nation is. The treaty of Tripoli in the 1700s says that we are NOT a Christian nation. How did we survive after that?

Hate to tell you but the USA is not a nation that will prevail. Israel will as the sole proud state against one world government.

Christ said to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Also to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The truth is there in PLAIN ENGLISH. How this escapes ANY Christian in the US is baffling.

You tell me why you need a certificate to tell others how to read the Bible? If you come up with anything but "You don't", take your hypocritical, Pharisaical, 1300 era Catholic, two tongued face and get back to the Bible and read Matthew. People died to bring others to God by going against the grain and against the will of the Church.
oldestof11 you wrote some real information there. Thanks.

The end came off a bit harsh though ha.
oldestof11 you wrote some real information there. Thanks.

The end came off a bit harsh though ha.

I have never been one to hold back. Neither did Christ when it came to false teachers. "Brood of vipers" was not looked kindly on. Why do you think they got pissed? It wasn't code for "Yo dawg, dats gud".
I didn't watch the clip but do find it interesting how some things are panning out around the world as it pertains to potential prophecies being fulfilled right in front of us in our lifetime...

Let me look again but I heard a sermon just last weekend pertaining directly with Syria... paraphrased it says God will have them fighting neighbor against neighbor & brother against brother (they're practically in civil war now) near the end times at the same time nations will be against Israel (always have been since inception but prophetically so since being renamed as a country in 1974 iirc & especially true the last 10-15yrs with islamic leaders calling israel & jews parasites & cancer of the world & vowing to terminate the completely) & God will regather the Jews to Israel in the end times & at no time in history has there ever been a larger population in Israel than today. They just finished flying in ethopian jews on dedicated direct flights. They've also set airline records on secret (at the time) missions where they flew several thousand in at a time on more than one occasion in the 90s & I believe as recently as the early 2000s.... definitely some things to make you go hmmm.
That is a problem with Christians today. Everyone knows the Bible. A lot have done a lot of Bible studies. My in laws both have letters after their names and constantly take biblical studies courses. Both are licensed counselors, etc. Yet they constantly don't see the big picture. My mother in law is finally seeing things differently.

Who told you how to study? How have they influenced your view point?

Everyone I know quotes LaHaye, Piper, Warren, Dobson. They pick and choose who has the current best teaching. If anyone of these knowledgeable people says its voodoo, Christians shouldn't do it, the whole of American Christians follow. Rob Bell is one I can think of.

Look in Matthew with me.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

I don't know about you, this scares the proverbial chit outta me.

We have regressed to Christ's day. Everyone can quote the Bible, every one does the motions, we go with today's best teaching, everyone must follow today's standard of "Christian Living" oe your an outcast, and we still have Pharisees. That is not why Christ came. Christ came to liberate and make the connection between God and Man just that, between us.

Wade, read that again. If MY people. Gods people. Not the Islams, not the Greeks, not the Chinese, not the Buddhists, not the Hindu, not the American people. Jews and Christians. Again, its American Christians who need it more than ever.

God could not careless what a government says the nation is. The treaty of Tripoli in the 1700s says that we are NOT a Christian nation. How did we survive after that?

Hate to tell you but the USA is not a nation that will prevail. Israel will as the sole proud state against one world government.

Christ said to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Also to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The truth is there in PLAIN ENGLISH. How this escapes ANY Christian in the US is baffling.

You tell me why you need a certificate to tell others how to read the Bible? If you come up with anything but "You don't", take your hypocritical, Pharisaical, 1300 era Catholic, two tongued face and get back to the Bible and read Matthew. People died to bring others to God by going against the grain and against the will of the Church.

First lets talk about your Bible, its obviously not the KJV, if it were the verses would say this..

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Iniquity, means SIN.

Jesus is talking to those who are NOT saved who claim to know him but really do not. As a Born Again Christian, you are sinless in the sight of God, because the blood of Jesus has covered them.

Satan is the author of confusion

, God cannot lie or contradict himself therefor you are saved,(born again) once and for all, just as christ died once and for all. Its your choice to believe. Remember there are only two kinds of people in the sight of Jesus, Saved and unsaved. Read in revelation about the Great White Thrown Judgment, Christ will be reading out of the Lambs Book of Life, where the Born again are written down.

You certainly dont need a degree or certificate to understand this, most is common sence. However some need study to figure out exactly whats being said. The Bible says "Study the Word of God to find yourself appoved" This is where cross reference and the breaking down of individual word meanings comes into playwith a dictionary, or thesaurous, or even going to the hebrew or greek or aramatic versions.

Even History recordings can be of great bennifit.

Now as for you last topic, Yes i agree that it starts with the Christian!

If We the Born again Christians Would have done our part and took up our calling long ago and been the salt of the earth, and the Light unto the worlds darkness.....We would not have gotten to this place of darkness and destruction. Us ,our parents, and our grandparents have let God slip silently into the back of our minds and our current speech and actions and thoughts, even our children show this everyday, Sin is rapadly on the rise, morality is on a sharp decline, work , money and progress is the more regarded, and God is barely even a thought anymore.

Non christians will never know if WE dont tell them, this is our calling from the Most High. " Go ye into the world and tell all nations"

But, the judgment is for both, because many have heard the truth and reject it. Same as the Christian rejects the call of God. We all have turned our backs on God.

But at the end of each judgment The bible says that "God is there with his hand streched forth willing to take us back" After this happens 2-3 times with no repentance, then comes destruction and the End.
I didn't watch the clip but do find it interesting how some things are panning out around the world as it pertains to potential prophecies being fulfilled right in front of us in our lifetime...

Let me look again but I heard a sermon just last weekend pertaining directly with Syria... paraphrased it says God will have them fighting neighbor against neighbor & brother against brother (they're practically in civil war now) near the end times at the same time nations will be against Israel (always have been since inception but prophetically so since being renamed as a country in 1974 iirc & especially true the last 10-15yrs with islamic leaders calling israel & jews parasites & cancer of the world & vowing to terminate the completely) & God will regather the Jews to Israel in the end times & at no time in history has there ever been a larger population in Israel than today. They just finished flying in ethopian jews on dedicated direct flights. They've also set airline records on secret (at the time) missions where they flew several thousand in at a time on more than one occasion in the 90s & I believe as recently as the early 2000s.... definitely some things to make you go hmmm.

Yes this is true.

Also to note that in the time period of Isaiah The destruction came in the form of the asserians!!! Modern day Syria!!!

Today we are in conflict with Syria !!!! Just as the passage says, its unfolding right now, This is real.
Yes this is true.

Also to note that in the time period of Isaiah The destruction came in the form of the asserians!!! Modern day Syria!!!

Today we are in conflict with Syria !!!! Just as the passage says, its unfolding right now, This is real.

You are one of those nut jobs that needs to be put in a hospital so you don't harm women and children.
You are paraphrasing a book that was interpreted by man.
First lets talk about your Bible, its obviously not the KJV, if it were the verses would say this..

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Iniquity, means SIN.

Jesus is talking to those who are NOT saved who claim to know him but really do not. As a Born Again Christian, you are sinless in the sight of God, because the blood of Jesus has covered them.

Satan is the author of confusion

, God cannot lie or contradict himself therefor you are saved,(born again) once and for all, just as christ died once and for all. Its your choice to believe. Remember there are only two kinds of people in the sight of Jesus, Saved and unsaved. Read in revelation about the Great White Thrown Judgment, Christ will be reading out of the Lambs Book of Life, where the Born again are written down.

You certainly dont need a degree or certificate to understand this, most is common sence. However some need study to figure out exactly whats being said. The Bible says "Study the Word of God to find yourself appoved" This is where cross reference and the breaking down of individual word meanings comes into playwith a dictionary, or thesaurous, or even going to the hebrew or greek or aramatic versions.

Even History recordings can be of great bennifit.

Now as for you last topic, Yes i agree that it starts with the Christian!

If We the Born again Christians Would have done our part and took up our calling long ago and been the salt of the earth, and the Light unto the worlds darkness.....We would not have gotten to this place of darkness and destruction. Us ,our parents, and our grandparents have let God slip silently into the back of our minds and our current speech and actions and thoughts, even our children show this everyday, Sin is rapadly on the rise, morality is on a sharp decline, work , money and progress is the more regarded, and God is barely even a thought anymore.

Non christians will never know if WE dont tell them, this is our calling from the Most High. " Go ye into the world and tell all nations"

But, the judgment is for both, because many have heard the truth and reject it. Same as the Christian rejects the call of God. We all have turned our backs on God.

But at the end of each judgment The bible says that "God is there with his hand streched forth willing to take us back" After this happens 2-3 times with no repentance, then comes destruction and the End.

Who cares what version you use? The KJV is actually the least accurate of all versions. It is also a DEAD language like Latin. Hence the use of KJV is from ignorant and "uppity" Christians.

I have more but I have to work.
Wade- answer my question, or I will edit every single one of your posts to something a little bit more 'colorful'
Who cares what version you use? The KJV is actually the least accurate of all versions. It is also a DEAD language like Latin. Hence the use of KJV is from ignorant and "uppity" Christians.

I have more but I have to work.

I may be ignorant, but certainly not uppity.

It matters, alot. Every Bible that is retranscripted has lost words even phrases, and definition due to the changing of words and phrases. Excatly like your Bible reference of "unlawfulness" to my Bibles "iniquity" Both have distinct and different meanings.

The KJV is the most accurate english version, From my reaserch, the same version the Billy Sunday used, the same that DL Moody used, the same Bible that Billy Graham used. and many many more! Arguable the these are the greatest evangilest's of our time!

The KJV is also the only Bible that is translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts. Therefor it IS the closest and most accurate in the english language.
Wade- answer my question, or I will edit every single one of your posts to something a little bit more 'colorful'

This is my only screen name, you should know that. Changing a post i make to suit your agenda is slander and can cause defimation. Which you should refrain from.

No more questions answered unless its about the OP
I may be ignorant, but certainly not uppity.

It matters, alot. Every Bible that is retranscripted has lost words even phrases, and definition due to the changing of words and phrases. Excatly like your Bible reference of "unlawfulness" to my Bibles "iniquity" Both have distinct and different meanings.

Oh it does. The KJV has the least accuracy. It was written and approved in the 1500s. How many transcripts do you think we had in the 1500s? Hundreds.

The KJV is the most accurate english version, From my reaserch, the same version the Billy Sunday used, the same that DL Moody used, the same Bible that Billy Graham used. and many many more! Arguable the these are the greatest evangilest's of our time!

Just because they all preferred the KJV, or maybe that was all that was available then, doesn't make it more credible.

The KJV is also the only Bible that is translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts. Therefor it IS the closest and most accurate in the english language.

Wrong again. The NASB is a direct translation from the Greek and Hebrew texts. Also so is a transliteration I cannot remember now. There is even one my wife helped translate from Latin supplemented by the NASB to a Spanish dialect in Guatamala.

For one who claims to research, you sure don't do it.
This is my only screen name, you should know that. Changing a post i make to suit your agenda is slander and can cause defimation. Which you should refrain from.

No more questions answered unless its about the OP

YOU do NOT get to decide what the rules are around here. Now go phuck yourself and your slander you hypocritical piece of sh!t.

This thread is will be any other that Wade starts around here for the foreseeable future.
In fact...I read your post as a threat to one of our staff members...enjoy your vacation.
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Yes this is true.

Also to note that in the time period of Isaiah The destruction came in the form of the asserians!!! Modern day Syria!!!

Today we are in conflict with Syria !!!! Just as the passage says, its unfolding right now, This is real.

Just to correct your dumb ass: Ancient Assyria is not modern day Syria. It's part of Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq. Do you fact check anything you post or are you stupid enough to blindly believe something because the names sound similar?
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