World record

I forget that people that can login to forums are possibly children. Literally.
So.. To be clear. I respect anyone that has an interest in engines of any kind. In this world of instant gratification, and information on demand, it's truly a miracle that they'd even care.
I would never want to push away a child with enough curiosity to ask questions. On the forum it's impossible to know who you're addressing, so I tend to make assumptions based on words only.
In the future I'm going to look both ways before putting on my Snedge hat. :rules:


At least we don't get carded for beer anymore. LOL

Hahaha, first time my dad was ever carded in his life was at dinner with two grandchildren! He's been buying beer since a freshman in high school, and never the 3.2 stuff! State law, if you look younger than retirement age basically, they're supposed to card you! It was also a first day on the job waitress, who got really nervous that he was going to make a scene when he told her that was the first time he'd been carded!

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Hahaha, first time my dad was ever carded in his life was at dinner with two grandchildren! He's been buying beer since a freshman in high school, and never the 3.2 stuff! State law, if you look younger than retirement age basically, they're supposed to card you! It was also a first day on the job waitress, who got really nervous that he was going to make a scene when he told her that was the first time he'd been carded!

I got carded by a woman, the mother of a kid in my sons class, that know who I am, at Walmart buying beer one day. I just looked up and told her "no." She stared at me....than rang up my schidt and I left. Dumbass rulz. "Does the customer look under 40?" Fukking stupid.
I think he was 12-14 or so honestly.

I've been on here since I was 15,lost my old account password and couldn't recover it. For some reason I had like 10 emails back then and could never rememeber that passwords to them so I couldn't unlock my password. Started this one in 2011 or so
I got carded by a woman, the mother of a kid in my sons class, that know who I am, at Walmart buying beer one day. I just looked up and told her "no." She stared at me....than rang up my schidt and I left. Dumbass rulz. "Does the customer look under 40?" Fukking stupid.

Lots of places have systems that require the ID be scanned along with the beer, tobacco, or certain medicines. Covers the stores ass, and lets the man keep account of your ass.
My dad freaked out on a woman one time because he was buying smokes for my mom. I'm like.... wth Bossman? Is it that hard to hand over your ID ? It's not like they're judging you. LOL