Bugs Bugs Bugs


New member
Dec 10, 2015
What's the best way to get bugs of my bumper windshield extra...?
1. Soak truck in Gasoline.
2. Duck tape face to steering wheel.
3. Light match.
4. Drive truck off cliff.
Someone call the number on the for sale ad they just posted and find out who's trolling lol
Lmao, sounds like that would cure the bug issue on that truck. Kill two bugs with one stone...
Move to Canada, only have bugs for about 2 months a year

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So was this guy not a troll or just really have a disability???

He posted about 15 threads(all ignorant crap) and then posted his rockwell axle for sale in the classifieds. I googled his number and he is a well known 2.6 puller out of Wisconsin.... just trying to use the site to peddle his parts and not actually contribute.

edit - looks like you saw the thread, nevermind.
So a well known, yankee, puller started a thread about bugs on a competition site.....hmmmm...not sure if he has extra chromosomes, related to Dan Barmes, or funny as hell.

1. Soak truck in Gasoline.
2. Duck tape face to steering wheel.
3. Light match.
4. Drive truck off cliff.

:clap: Freakin' classic. :hehe:
So a well known, yankee, puller started a thread about bugs on a competition site.....hmmmm...not sure if he has extra chromosomes, related to Dan Barmes, or funny as hell.

:clap: Freakin' classic. :hehe:

I love this site... ??

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So a well known, yankee, puller started a thread about bugs on a competition site.....hmmmm...not sure if he has extra chromosomes, related to Dan Barmes, or funny as hell.

:clap: Freakin' classic. :hehe:

LOLLOL A+ retort