Truckers, lets see your rigs!

Hey I resent that comment about my length. Hehe

Don't be hatin' because my hood is bigger than yours LOL

We have trucks that we hasn't ungoverned from the 68 mph that they had before us and that makes me mad enough to stomp a litter of kittens... I can only imagine 62.

mine used to be at 68 but I got my boss talked into turning her up to 80 LOL
TMC has nice trucks but they're governed at 62 mph and from what their drivers say the dispatchers are assholes for the most part. FWIW

Well can anybody suggest any other flatbed or dump bucket company on the east coast that would be good to start with? I just don't think vans pay nearly as good.
Well can anybody suggest any other flatbed or dump bucket company on the east coast that would be good to start with? I just don't think vans pay nearly as good.
If you don't have the desire to be an owner of a truck, may I suggest looking into another line of work. Please take this advise. Pics of nice and shiny trucks are cool and all, and suck people into trucking, but being a driver for someone else will only have you living from check to check. I know very few people that actually make a good living driving for someone else. The other side of the coin ain't much better either!LOL
I've gotta disagree with you bullrack, I drive for a small company and I make a very comfortable living not to mention I'm home every weekend, all us drivers are treated like family, I realize that's not the norm for the trucking industry as a whole however. I do agree about the shiny truck part, keeping a spotless and well polished truck is a pain in the ass when you're working 80+ hours a week LOL
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I've gotta disagree with you bullrack, I drive for a small company and I make a very comfortable living not to mention I'm home every weekend, all us drivers are treated like family, I realize that's not the norm for the trucking industry as a whole however. I do agree about the shiny truck part, keeping a spotless and well polished truck is a pain in the ass when you're working 80+ hours a week LOL
I know, you ended up on my second hand of fingers as I was counting the few people I know that make a comfortable living driving for someone else!LOL
Haha well good deal, I really miss hauling equipment but I couldn't make sh1t for money doing it where I was at
That has become my "go-to" response over the years. If a guy didn't grow up in the business and know the ins and outs, I generally have that response. I encourage no one into the business! Reason is, they buy a truck and 6 months later they are hauling cheaper than me so they can make a truck payment. This does nothing for the industry! I'm charging the same rates for heavy haul today that I was charging in the early '90's! Not by choice either! And operating expenses have tripled! I'm not telling you anything you don't already know Mr. T!
Absolutely, we had a big company cut our throats on a bid for road salt.....that lasted one year, when the state couldn't get their salt on time ever....they wouldn't accept the bid from that company this year and gave it back to us, just cuz the rate is cheap doesn't mean the service is good haha
Absolutely, we had a big company cut our throats on a bid for road salt.....that lasted one year, when the state couldn't get their salt on time ever....they wouldn't accept the bid from that company this year and gave it back to us, just cuz the rate is cheap doesn't mean the service is good haha
Luckily the state was smart enough to go back to you guys instead of trying out another knucklehead!

BTW, my next truck will be setup like the railroad trucks! I'll load it, drive it to the nearest tracks, place on tracks, and set the cruise!LOL
If you don't have the desire to be an owner of a truck, may I suggest looking into another line of work. Please take this advise. Pics of nice and shiny trucks are cool and all, and suck people into trucking, but being a driver for someone else will only have you living from check to check. I know very few people that actually make a good living driving for someone else. The other side of the coin ain't much better either!LOL

I appreciate your blunt honesty. I would love nothing more than to have a few trucks. Problem is, like I said before, I just wouldn't have the customer base, nor do I have a knowledge of a local company to lease onto to get started without having to worry about getting my ass burnt.
Where are u located? I run a company out of MN but I may also be able to head you in the right direction I have been pulling flatbeds since 99.