New Website!


What to do
Dec 16, 2009
The new website is up! I have about 20% of my available products added so be patient and check back periodically. Thank you for checking it out and to everyone who has helped me make this company possible!

If anyone sees any mistakes please pm me.

Home Page

I also need some truck pictures. I need all of the Chevy models, a 12 valve, a 5.9 Commonrail, 6.4 and 6.7 Ford. Post some pictures that I may use in this thread please.
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Looks good. On a couple of the 12v pages it looks like they are not long enough and are cut off.

The mechanical performance page.
The Exhaust page.

Keep up the good work!
Thank you! I'll take a look at them, I know when I tried to view it on my phone they were all out of whack.
looks good rob heres a 03-07 pics

Perfect Chase, thank ya. Just need to find some Duramax pics next.
I would give you a picture of my 12v but dont wanna trash up your site LOL
LOL thank ya man, Ron sent me some earlier today. Just have to get em on there.
Got my truck cleaned up for pics and my camera started acting gay.... Will have pics tomorrow.

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Doesn't look like those turned out real well, if you want better pictures let me know.
Thank you guys! They look good to me, my Chevy page won't look so bleak now.
rob i didnt even think about the 12 valve till i just now but it looks a lil deciven and chitty lol but wth

The top one was when i got it. The second one is recent. I gave it a lot of TLC. My dad says it was junk when i brought it home, but now he uses the pis out of it. lol
Haha usually how it works out. I need something similar for a plow/tow truck.