Broken Injection Pump Timing Port Question


New member
Oct 29, 2014
A few months ago I broke the threads on my injection pump timing cover. The one that holds the pump timing pin you spin around.

Since replacing the cover, I've had an oil leak on the left side of my truck in that area and I'm pretty sure the cover is leaking.

I don't ever recall seeing a washer between the nut and the cover and when installing the cover, I don't recall seeing a gasket between the cover and pump.

My google-fu isn't good enough to figure this out on my own so I'm asking the question here, is there a washer or a gasket on that assembly? If so is it both or just one?


I believe there is a oring in a groove on the back side like the afc housing. It's been a while since I've had one off.
I think there is a copper washer like an oil pan drain uses. Been awhile since I've messed with a stock pump, we have a couple at work I'll look at later to know for sure.
134 o-ring 2 420 210 034
36 copper flat seal ring 2 916 710 613

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^ beat me to it. I bought one to fix a customer's truck that he had done the same thing on. It was less than $30 for the housing, oring and shipping.