2014 EFILive Training classes by StarLite Diesel

Zach and Lacie,

Grapevine tells me that you will be in Denver around bout on the 15th of November.

Any truth to this?

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Good then special assign a few minutes over to my shop!

Oh and I'm good at bribes.
we'll have to see how the day progresses. Haven't got flight situated yet - hoping to find out a couple more details first before I start planning. Not sure that i'll have a lot of spare time (yet) - but we'll see what we can do. I think i'll be about an hour outside of downtown Denver though... plan was to return home the same day.
Ok the bribe begins.

If you can swing it. I'll pay for the extra night in a decent hotel and three squares included.
No class in Denver yet. Zach is coming out for one of my customers for the afternoon. I do plan on setting up a class with you in CO next year Zach. We should have a little extra time though, I have a closer dyno set up.
CO Class

No class in Denver yet. Zach is coming out for one of my customers for the afternoon. I do plan on setting up a class with you in CO next year Zach. We should have a little extra time though, I have a closer dyno set up.

I knew there wasn't but I would go if there was....it was meant as a nudge..1 more person showing interest. Thanks :bang
Thanks for the nudge :) As he stated - next year (i'll be working on that calendar shortly) - I plan to make the journey to Denver for a class. I'll be trying to post class schedule in November if things go right. I'm glad there's interest in the area. Been asked a few times for Denver so next year we're going to make it happen!
I'll hassle him for a show date come SEMA time in Vegas. Take each to the Cheetah club and get him spun up.
Denver Class

Thanks for the nudge :) As he stated - next year (i'll be working on that calendar shortly) - I plan to make the journey to Denver for a class. I'll be trying to post class schedule in November if things go right. I'm glad there's interest in the area. Been asked a few times for Denver so next year we're going to make it happen!

That would be great. I got an email from Lacie, I'm the guy asking if the class is full for this weekend. I'm going to see if I can find a decent flight and clear my schedule.

I did one pretty damn close to there in Georgia this year at Dyno Proven.... might see if we can do one there again this coming year as well... We'll see where I get with the books and training material over the slow time of year and whre I can get classes lined up. If people have places they want classes to be that have shops with dynos that could handle having a class of 20 or so people in them over a weekend - fire away with ideas! Want to hit some new places with the training next year too.

Right now only for sure plans I have are returning to Ohio, but that will be early spring and has no firm date set yet. Would like to return to Texas again at Hamilton cams if something can work out there - just have to time it right as you Texas boys do a lot of farming and have a hard time getting to the classes. Otherwise, feel free to offer up your suggestions as to where you'd like to see classes. Kansas is also on the radar with a couple of possible shops, but no details worked out. Seems like the mid-west and southern states have the highest interest levels so let me know! I try to listen to who has interest and WHERE. Just need to make sure I can find facilities to host the class at in those locations, and need an on site dyno as it is a very important part of the 2 day class...
Hey Zach scuttle butt tells me you had a pretty busy day. Short flight between two cities, three too many trucks, no lunch or does a Snickers bar count? And no Square to process a credit card.

Sorry it ran over, I'll hook up with you next time you're in Denver.
A laptop is pretty much the only thing you really SHOULD have at the class, but if you have V2 of your own, that helps move things along.... and makes it easier to understand some of the things we go over up front on the first day of the classes.