Passenger front door ajar


Running with the best...
Nov 28, 2009
I can't get my passenger door to show closed on the EVIC. I tried a new door module on that side, no dice. New switch/latch assembly, also no good. I followed the pur/white wire from the door switch all the way to the BCM and checked continuity, got .2 to .3 ohms resistance. I went so far as to remove the pur/white wire from the connector at the BCM and reconnect the BCM, it still shows the door open. This leads me to believe its an internal problem with the BCM because the door switch closes a path to ground when it is opened. Anyone else ever experience something similar? Is there anything I can do with alfaobd to ignore the door switch completely at least until I can find whats going on? Thanks
I can't remember which is which, but it should change to an open circuit with the door open. I am fighting this with my 2011 on the drivers side. I verified everything is good to the TIPM, so I replaced it with a rebuild from TIPM rebuilders and I am about to send it back to them for the 4th time.
Fixed it. I have no idea how it got changed but I had to go in with Alfaobd and change the passenger door ajar signal. For some reason it was looking for the exterior door handle, not the ajar switch. Found it by reading my log file. Very important to have logs turned on when you are changing stuff and might not know for sure what it affects outside what you think it does. All is well no BCM replacement required!
I liked life a lot more when a micro switch and a wire was all you needed. I’m still trying to figure out how people consider all that garbage “progress”.
You're not wrong. All these electronics can do some cool stuff, but they are straight up evil when they aren't happy.
Just weird how this came about. I bet its been at least 6 months since I've even had alfa hooked up to the truck. Unhooked the batteries for an unrelated repair and then suddenly its looking for the wrong door switch. I'm just glad I finally went snooping and found it because I was about to go buy a new BCM. If Rockauto would have had them in stock I probably would have ordered one the night I fixed it, instead of going and looking