Testing 12v pump & injectors


First, all I asked for was a place to independent place to check my injectors
Second, I don't give a **** about what you have to say
Third, Since I'm not an authority on injectors, I would not attempt to make them. That is why I go to others to get a professional opinion. No one should only rely on one person's opinion because it would be biased. Anyone who makes something for the public should welcome a second opinion. Just to learn if a better product can be made.
Forth, The timing is set in the pump, not by me !!!
Fifth, The cost of my motor will not be covered by anyone but me. That is why I can't have another failure.
Sixth, Why would you go back to a company that doesn't ask what you intend to do with your motor before a finished product is delivered.Street/Show trucks are different than all pulling/race trucks. But a man of your intelligence wouldn't ask that either.
So have a nice day------

If the timing, which is set by the pump, has slipped, where's your timing at?

The haze is telling you something but you ain't listening.....
I've ran 5X25 injectors with 13mm pump on stock piston bowls for thousands of miles and not had a single issue other then horrible fuel mileage. I bet your engine failure has more to do with the assembly of the engine or bad cylinder from the factory. Most of the time these failures are operator error. But as we can see you don't want to assume any responsibility (finger pointer) must be a liberal :stab:
So here are some questions I would like answered about this ordeal. Did the engine haze like the picture from first start up or did it progress to what we see in the picture? If it did this from first start up then why was the engine even attempted to be broke in with out finding out why it was having so bad. If it progressed to what we see did it do it all at once or a slow progression? If it steadily got worse why was it continued to be driven. If it did it all at once the timing slipped. So which is it? I'm not here to bash but instead figure out why it did it. Spray angle I find hard to believe was the issue.

Weston made my last set of injectors which were drilled at the wrong angle !This is the second motor destroyed by the wrong spray pattern. Those injectors sprayed outside the bowl. This time I have a 4 x 4 hole in the block. Thus, I will be buying elsewhere-------Thanks but No Thanks.
I'll talk with Infinite Performance.


Whom specifically told you these were "drilled" at the wrong angle?

I know your upset and disappointed, but there are multiple factors you are leaving out....

You asked and multiple replys came back to "see Weston" this is from reputation.
I've ran 5X25 injectors with 13mm pump on stock piston bowls for thousands of miles and not had a single issue other then horrible fuel mileage. I bet your engine failure has more to do with the assembly of the engine or bad cylinder from the factory. Most of the time these failures are operator error. But as we can see you don't want to assume any responsibility (finger pointer) must be a liberal :stab:

Atleast someone said it. (And I agree with about all of it, but in a text with another relevant posting individual I used "communist", same thing) I've ran 5x28s and a healthy 13mm on the street, milage wasn't horrible and it held fine. Like Jeremy said, the other cylinders also tell a story. There are a lot of variables that are not being stated or questions answered. As for cost being covered in the context used, it was of him standing behind his product, but read it and interpret how you choose. As for my intelligence and manner of which I conduct business, one of the absolute very first questions asked is "what is the truck going to be used for or the goals of the truck". Since we've consulted and conducted business, you know this?? You stated something about these injectors being setup like a set that passed emissions, that isn't a factor in a performance conversation, so your story is a bit sideways. But for you bashing on him, a precedence of negligence has already been established (debate 101). Meaning your statements to his credibility are questionable at best. He's helped us all out several times and can be accredited for more useful facts or knowledge then most on here.not solely referencing performance base. Hence the backlash. We all can keep belittling your CNN type tactics. Or you can help us, help you. The remaining 5 cylinders? The squirter condition? Piston to wall clearance at top ring land and at bottom of skirt? Cylinder RA? Piston protrusion? Quench ratio? Degree of cam? Pump gear keyed/adjustable? Method used for timing? Pump pinned at degree xx? Cylinder head being used? Valve protrusion/depth from surface? Before it let go were you monitoring any data or gauges so oil pressure and egts can be answered?
The comment made "the timing is set by the pump" I think answers it all. I assume the pump is pin timed at 24* then? How did you go about finding tdc and installing pump and are you running a keyed adjustable pump gear? Just trying to help man, not blame.
I've had pumps "pin timed" by fuel injection shops before.....only to screw it up while installing and my timing is off.
We'd be happy to perform a free injector inspection. Ship them to Power Driven Diesel and include a note about engine failure/CompD thread so they don't end up in the core box. We'll provide an honest and fair inspection. Weston has little to no love for PDD so rest assured we won't sugar coat the findings, nor will we unfairly disparage Infinite, if the injectors are good, we'll let you know.