Anyone heard about mobile EPA Emissions Testing?

A) TDR is still around? Cool, good for them.

B) (Screw DTR though.)

C) The state of American law regarding pollution control is absurd. The laws in question say things like "states/ EPA shall have power to control and enforce all these things", then the authorities so named get to come up with whatever sort of plan they want. Whenever they step too far they get sued and win some lose some, eventually you get the administrative/ case law that we operate under. That said, "legally" I wouldn't be surprised if the EPA (or a state version of it) did fine somebody $50,000 for having knobby tires or a car bra... It's almost like you'd need to find a statute saying they couldn't do it to stop them.

D) I've been looking for a real legal person to give me a run down of the legality and actual scope of "emissions control checkpoints" for years. Who does the enforcement, what are they enforcing, how common are they in reality, do they even exist, etc. I've always heard stories but always poorly sourced.

E) It really just comes down to kleptocrats protected by blanket laws constantly victimizing just enough random people to not get noticed by a critical mass of the populace.
That reminds me of the time a CBP officer "inspected" a radioactive sealed unit. It was sealed to keep the radiation out nothing more. Ended up missing a lot of work. Poor guy.

Did you guys know that friggin ROCKS will set off the radiation detectors at US customs? Raw granite rocks for tombstones for example. Those sensors are so sensitive that they will catch it from the next lane over!

Same with the ones at a steel mill that takes scrap. Driver had a chemotherapy treatment quite a while before driving through one and the alarms went off. Had to have someone else drive his truck through the detector to prove it wasn’t the load.
I almost miss my truck, but had a close call about 4 months before I sold it, Bergen county cop pulled me over told me I wa s smokin a bit, I said, trucks got 278 thousand miles on it, it's tired....... little did he know what lay under the hood.