Mini max problems


New member
Hey guys,

I put a delete kit on a 2012 6.7 5 years ago with out any problems. Now all of a sudden all of the codes popped back up that the dpf and everything is plugged, I put the stock tune back on and then loaded the delete tune back on and same thing check engine light is on with 12 codes.

Is something shorting out causing this to happen or do these tuners go bad? I was also told that the pyro was going crazy and when I looked at it the wires were partially out so I put those back in and it is working now. I wonder if that didn’t short something out in the programmer or if the pig tails from the exhaust stuff is shorting out.

I did look at the pig tails and didn’t see anything to out of wack under the truck.

Thanks for your time
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Tunes don't just "go bad", it has to be something in the truck. When the mini Maxx is sitting there, it is simply a monitor. The only time something could "go bad" with a tune is during the actual flashing process. I have seen similar issues on Ford's when the nox module gets corroded from the plug being left open to the elements
Ok thanks, I’ll get some electrical cleaner and spray on all of the pig tails under the truck. It has been nasty in the last couple of weeks here in Ohio with cold temps and a good bit of snow.
They don’t plug into anything. They are just hanging bc they went to all of the exhaust sensors
Sometimes they’ll send false readings when moisture hits them. Get dielectric grease in them, then wrap the crap out of them in tape. Clear your codes and you should be good to go.
I’ve cleaned all of the plugs and still same thing. As soon as I clear the codes they pop right back up.
Well ended up cleaning everything every well, and found a big plug on the side of the frame that plugged into a Boshe box that looked like it had all of the emission junk going to it so I cleaned that all up. Uploaded the tune again and no check engine light. But the center of the cluster showed exhaust full, now I’ve read in other forums that will pop up periodically and H&S knew about that problem but seeing how they have been closed for 4-5 years it’s somthing that sounds like you have to live with.

But I appreciate your guys help and hope that it doesn’t come back on.!

Thanks again
The same thing happens on my 2010 with my H&S Mini Maxx with the newest tunes. It is a bug. Basically just ignore it and after a day or so, it just disappears.

That and the random 'buck' I get when going less than 70mph when it's below freezing, are the only two complaints I've got with the software. I'm still trying to track down what makes the buck happen.
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OP, I thought I'd share a little more. Ironically, my "Exhaust service required - See dealer now" message came on last Thursday. I left it like I normally do and it didn't turn off on its own. I ended up going into the MiniMaxx setting and reinstalling the tune. That instantly took care of it.
For reference, this did not change my power or driveability while the message was on. It was just annoying and would ding at me.
