345C Injection Pump noise


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 16, 2016
Hey gang,

A buddy of mine just bought a 345C with 550 hours on it and says the injection pump is making a LOUD ticking noise at all times.

Says it runs fine but just sounds crazy. This is his first diesel so he just wants assurance that that is normal because to him it sounds very wrong.

I know nothing about the 3cyl that is in this thing or the injection pump it uses.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

I haven't been to his house to see it, he just knows I am into diesels and has nobody he trusts to get him an answer.
Not sure what ford did to the fuel system on the later models but I have the same 192 engine from a 94 model 3930 and it's a lot noisier than the old 3 cylinder diesels I have.
Probably normal for that tractor.
Thanks for the reply, seems to run absolutely fine...but it is a loud sum biotch.
Yes they are.
I know they increased the pop pressure on the injectors and I think it has a different inj pump.
The later 3930/4630's have more power but are noisy and used more fuel than the older models.