new from Texas (5+ years ago)


Knot tying is too easy. There is an app for that. But polishing a candy THAT takes talent and dedication. :hehe:
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Nope, not at all; however, I can related to almost everything you mentioned about working for a university.
I can say I would definitely think twice before taking another position at a university; it sucks pretty bad. You know it's really bad when GRAD students know you work too much, and feel bad asking you to help them with things lol.
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I knew a Thai who could not tie a knot. The more the Thai tried to tie the madder he got. Didn't matter what knot, he could not. But the Thai tried to tie.
A little of everything. I will be working with engineering, creative, marketing, etc. I will get to help with new projects, existing projects, new marketing avenues, events, etc. Justin is also correct; I will be editing to my heart's content on the technical manuals, any emails sent to potential clients, magazine articles etc. It will be a lot of fun, lots of learning, and lots of new things to do.

Fuk all that. Do you get to drive the tank!!!!????
Guy at work informed me beer and cell phones don't mix.

Spilled a beer on your phone I take it, I replied.

No, my fuking goat did.

I pooped today!!!!!
I just wish it was once a day. :(

On the brighter side, I get paid to poop until 5pm. :hehe:
always always always poop on the clock if at all possible..overtime poops are the best...sunday poops pay double time potty time