N.E. OHIO DIESEL DYNO DAY Oct. 20th 2012


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 24, 2006
Kevin and the gang at TI Dyno has set the date for the 5th annual "Rocktoberfest, ALL Diesel Dyno Day". Come on out to TI Dyno October 20th, and get your diesel powered truck or car on the dyno! Working on prizes as we speak. TI Dyno will take $25.00 off the price ($75.00 for 3 pulls) if you bring in $15.00 (with proof of purchase) worth of items to donate to the Ashtabula County APL. TI Dyno, and Powerflow want to make sure our furry friends that don't get adopted over the winter will have plenty of what they need to get through the season! Food, blankets, money donations, whatever we can get for them!! Come on out to a GREAT time with great people for another GREAT cause in supporting the local APL.

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If anyone is interested...TI Dyno is open to more sponsors for the event!! Contact me here, or any of the Host on the event page on Facebook!
We are 3 Saturdays away!!!

There is the APL's "Wish List" posted on the event page on FB. I'll get a copy of it posted here for those of you without Facebook. Hope to see some of ya'll out there.
As promised...here is the APL's "wish list". Remember...bring $15 worth of any of these items, with proof of purchase, and TI Dyno will take $25 off your cost of the dyno run! That's 3 pulls for $50!!

Wishlist - ACAPL
Saturday is coming up quick!! Don't forget we are raising money, and taking donations to help the APL!! Come on out for a good cause, and a great time!!
Tomorrow 9a.m.


Gonna be a cool day, with a chance of rain...but that's ok, the dyno is inside, and we'll have plenty of trucks to keep it warm indoors.

Don't forget...if you bring $15 worth of these items on the Ashtabula APL wish list, with proof of purchase, TI Dyno will take $25 off your cost to run on the dyno! That's 3 pulls on the dyno for only $50!!!!!

Here is the wish list... Wishlist - ACAPL

Hope to see some of ya out there for a good time, and a great cause.
I wish I'd found the wish list earlier. I bought some cat and dog food and treats, not Purina brand.
I'll be there anyways.