I can't even! Phil, help me!

Maybe if she shot me once or twice I'd learn to proof read.....that was horrible.

As my neighbor told me once "we've shot at each other before....but we only aim when we're shootin' deer".
I've been married for a couple years... Now we just have a piece of paper.
As my neighbor told me once "we've shot at each other before....but we only aim when we're shootin' deer".

No that is funny. :clap: LOL

I've been married for a couple years... Now we just have a piece of paper.

True. It's a state of mind....not some jumbled legal jargon on a sheet of $.08 paper. It's the feeling you have for someone that you can be madder than hell at but do everything in your power to protect if you so much as hear they are being attached by a pack of ladybugs. It's the nature instinct of taking a bullet for someone you choose to care about no matter the situation. It's like having a kid and cleaning up diarrhea and vomit when they are sick then stepping back and thinking....no way would I have ever imagined I'd do that. Life changes us....most of the time for the better.
Exactly, I get the you haven't seen anything yet crap all the time from people we don't truly know.

Lived together on our own for 3 years, owner our own house for over a year now (both names on it), etc. we've already been through the trials and tribulations of the classic just got married stuff. I'm a classical kinda guy but the old days of marrying some one before you live with them is absolutely insane... There's no way I'd ever think about it.

Just a little rant.