Go Back To Stock Before Updating Your SCT


Comp Diesel Sponsor

Mods, could you please make this a sticky? I think it will be good for everyone to have this information.

It is very important that you take your truck back to stock whenever you:

  • download a new tune onto your SCT;
  • take the truck to the dealer;
  • update your firmware;

There are several reasons:

  • If the usb cable is loose, or your screensaver kicks in, the box will erase itself and your stock file will be gone.
  • If the dealership reflashes you, your SCT will be locked and you will need to send it back to them to unlock, for a charge.
  • In the case of the new firmware and tune revision updates, changes may have been made to the processes that moved them to another place in the software. The problem arises when the SCT looks for the specific process and the instructions are not there
