Jory's Famous Home Style Mountain Oysters.....


Black Sheep Racing
Apr 24, 2006
Most of you know Jory, and rumor has it he has a decades back recipe for his family secret Mountain Oyster recipe.

Those of you interested, pm 4x4 Dually a inquiry with the title of "Mandingo"

i aint gizzards so.....i aint touching eat the balls first
i wont eat any of them thar internal organisms dude! bull balls is one thing...poison filters is a whole nother level of nasty
Jory's Famous Home Style Mountain Oysters are a unique culinary adventure. The perfect blend of flavors and textures makes each bite a memorable experience. Highly recommended for those looking to try something different and delicious.
i wont eat any of them thar internal organisms dude! bull balls is one thing...poison filters is a whole nother level of nasty

That would be "organs"...not internal "organisms". :Cheer:

Jory's Famous Home Style Mountain Oysters are a unique culinary adventure. The perfect blend of flavors and textures makes each bite a memorable experience. Highly recommended for those looking to try something different and delicious.

Who are you and how do you have such knowledge of my Famous Home Style Mountain Oysters? Have you ate some of my balls before? Did you like them?
That would be "organs"...not internal "organisms". :Cheer:

This is how I know Gary would be a blast to drink with. I mean, the words man, dude makes me lose it, and that's just reading his language.

Internal organisms.. Like tape worm and such right ?

I for one enjoy beef, and speed beef heart, liver and tongue. I have never tried brain, but I would.
I’m with ya on the piss filters Gary. I will try a cows ball though.

I also would like to try brains. Ever since seeing that craniotomy as a kid watching “Silence of the Lamb” I have thought it looked good haha probably best to try animal brains though.
Bull scrotum contents. Sheesh are ya happy now Jory? Haha
Yes. Bull balls. Tell me you are a city boi without telling me you are a city boi. :hehe:

Don't worry. I heard worse this weekend. I was told "I didn't know sleepers on semis actually had beds in them. I thought they slept in the seats."

Not joking.
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