Running Gear Question.


Jan 22, 2007
Some wheels started spinning in my head this last weekend when I remembered that I still had one front hub locked in and unlocked it.

We are headed to what they call around here a "canyon" in a few weeks with the RV. It's a very steep climb up and out of there but it's not very long with a sharp switchback in the middle. So I'll for sure go to 2wd Low at a minimum. But what I was thinking about was what if I was to leave just one front hub locked in manually? Would the truck still hop on the switchback? Is the hop from the front wheels trying to sync or is the hop from the binding of the front wheels trying to match the rear wheels since the rear wheels cut the corner and don't travel as far?

Would there be more risk for damage if I went to 3wd low than there would be just running 2wd low? I've never really tested this lengthened drive shaft since the frame stretch. This will definitely test the shit out of it. I was wanting to try to supplement it with some front shaft but not sure what the ramifications are.

Anyone got any advice? Or do I just get my brother to push from behind with his truck like they do on the ice roads? :D
Locking one hub will not gain you any additional traction unless you have a locker or spool in the front diff.
Put your brother ahead of you on the climb out so yall can strap em together if that new shaft fails.
Locking one hub will not gain you any additional traction unless you have a locker or spool in the front diff.
Put your brother ahead of you on the climb out so yall can strap em together if that new shaft fails.

Gotcha. The differential is magical to me and I'm not good with that stuff. And my brother drives a Tundra. That little baby truck can't pull my lug nuts up a hill. :hehe:

I was trying to remove some strain off the rear shaft by helping pull with the front.
1320 nailed it. If it’s an open diff you’ll just spin the unlocked shaft. I think your driveshaft will handle it well. Shock loads and critical speed are the only real worries I’ve had. I’m sure a guy like you does pre trip maintenance and checks before a ride like that ha.
1320 nailed it. If it’s an open diff you’ll just spin the unlocked shaft. I think your driveshaft will handle it well. Shock loads and critical speed are the only real worries I’ve had. I’m sure a guy like you does pre trip maintenance and checks before a ride like that ha.

I'll basically just crawl up the hill at very low speed in 1st gear. Just wondering if that would make a difference. Apparently, it will not. Thanks for the info!
Probably the tight curves. Buckin and hopping with a load would scare me.

And to the question I missed Jory, yes. The arc at which the front and rear ride in a curve causes the binding in 4x4 from my understanding. You should see a wrangler with sticky 40’s and lockers on pavement ha sounds like everything broke.
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is it dirt? or asphalt..if its dirt id def do the 4 low..if its hard top..then 2 low will probly wont need low at all really
It's pavement. I've pulled the old trailer up it a few times but never a 44' 5er with that much weight in it.
leave the hobs unlocked..4 low at most. i bet it goes up in 2wd no sweat tho
I'd think you'd want to watch the trans temp more than worry about traction on asphalt.

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I'd think you'd want to watch the trans temp more than worry about traction on asphalt.

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

Exactly my thought. Only reason for low ever in my truck has been to not let ol slut stall turn my ATF into fire.
2WD will walk right around the switchback. Let the truck do the work and you just watch the mirrors.

Get video please, I'd like to see what we're talking about.
Yea the place sounds interesting for sure. Lots of awesome landscapes in Midwest.
I'd think you'd want to watch the trans temp more than worry about traction on asphalt.

Not worried about the trans temp. The climb is only a few hundred feet long. Not worried about traction either. Just worried about the u-joints and drive shaft that was lengthened.

I'll get video and some pics. This is the switchback. It is steep and up doesn't match down so I'm kinda concerned about the top rails of my bed. I have a bout 7" clearance from the camper so we will see if it bumps.

Pic doesn't do it justice.



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Looks like they saved you some heart ache with that apex pad in the sharpest curve.
You can see it in the video.....but the Jeep isn't pulling a 44' 5er either. LOL

Video doesn't do it justice.

A Drive Through Red Rock Canyon State Park in Hinton OK - YouTube

My brother's property backs up to it. He's always getting called to do rescues on the trails with the fire department. Last time we went there, he got called to help carry a big ol' gal down out of the woods. He wasn't too far out of back surgery. It was no bueno.
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