What do you think about Christ?

Tx tyre fryer

New member
Oct 4, 2015
Haven't been on here in a while, truck is gone, but I believe it's the Lords will that I write this.

Almost a year ago by the grace of the Lord Jesus I was radically born again and I want to talk to you guys about the nature of true Christianity.

My whole life I was raised in a typical southern baptist church, in the pew almost every Sunday for over 20 years. I went to all the youth camps, mission trips, did all the activity. I claimed to be, and thought I was, a Christian, if you would have asked me at any point in time whether I was, I would have said yes, absolutely, I believe in Jesus, I said that sinners prayer and "meant it in my heart", I go to church, I'm good to go.

But in reality I was dead in my sins. I lived completely contrary to what the Word of God says a Christian is. I drank my sin like water and was a slave to it. Sex outside of marriage, drunkenness, love of money, pride, practical idol worship of all things trucks, filthy language, everything that could be used to describe my lifestyle and things that I could practice without any second thought. I didn't truly love Jesus Christ and value Him above all things. I wasn't born again, I wasn't a new creation, I was an enemy of the cross, a God hater, I professed to know God but denied Him by my works, and under the wrath of God, had I died in that rebellious state, I would be in hell.

But the Lord had mercy on me, He opened my eyes to the scriptures and as I read the Bible and began to listen to true preachers of the Word of God I realized that what I thought I knew about true Christianity was completely wrong and that I was in grave danger. At that point I saw the love of God in the glory of Christ Jesus and I haven't been the same since.

The Lord commands all men everywhere to repent and believe in Christ. This is not merely a mental acknowledgement of facts about Christ. It is to truly abandon all hope in yourself and your own goodness and ability to save yourself.

Romans 3:10-18 says: None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one. Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive. The venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.

God is a just and righteous judge. He cannot simply pass over sin. If a judge does that in our human courts we call him corrupt, yet this is the very thing that most people expect God to do. He will punish the wicked at the last day.

But there came one who can save us. Jesus of Nazareth, born of a virgin. Fully God and fully man, in the greatest example of sacrificial love that there ever was, came off His heavenly throne and walked the earth as a servant of man. For 33 years, He lived completely devoted to His Father's will, totally without sin. He proclaimed the Kingdom of God and warned men to flee from the coming wrath. He was rejected by men and nailed to a Roman cross. On that cross He bore the sin of His people, and the wrath of Almighty God was poured out on His only Son. And Jesus said, "it is finished."
Three days later He rose from the dead, because death had no hold on Him. He now sits at the right hand of His Father, making intercession on behalf of all those who would follow Him.

For our sake, He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (1 John 4:9-10)

Our sin guilt was put on Jesus at that cross, that by faith we can legally be declared righteous in the sight of God.

The Greek word that is used by Jesus in the Bible translated in English to the word "repent" is "metanoeo." It means: to think differently or afterwards, i.e., to reconsider.
The idea here is that there is a new thought, over against the old thought. A change of mind. The mind changes and the whole body follows! This is what it means to believe!
So I'm telling you to change your mind about this Christ! He is not small, and your sin is not small. If God did not spare His only Son He will not spare you, you can be sure of that.
But men, listen, there is forgiveness to be found here, trust in Christ! He is all sufficient to save. He bids you come. You are not reading this by chance, this is a divine appointment.

I'm not telling you to clean your life up, because you can't do it. He says come as you are. I'm not asking you to repeat a prayer, that will not save you. I'm telling you to give up, fall upon Christ and He will hold you. Call out to Him for mercy.

If you claim to be a Christian here, I would ask you this. Do you remember that time in your life when you saw your sin for what it is, and then saw Jesus for what He is? Is He precious to you? Does He consume your thoughts? Are you willing to give up all that you have to follow Him? I'm not talking sinless perfection, not on this side of eternity, I'm talking a new creation. See 2 Cor 5:17

Matthew 16:24-26
Then Jesus told His disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Matthew 7:13-14
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

John 11:25
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.

Revelation 22:17
....And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.
Awesome, brother! Thanks for sharing about your past that's now remove and washed white by the blood.

The end is close, friends. Give your life to Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, but by Him.
Thanks for the testimony. Christ is everything...and the time is drawing near.
Great post! I'd venture to say that most Christians can relate to at least some of those wicked, detestable sins you yourself mentioned committing. I know I'm guilty of almost all of them. With all my heart, thank God for his undeserved mercy and grace. As with many things, I have a need for more growth in my faith but we're getting closer.

As our church declares, "Heavens Coming! Maranatha, Hosanna, Hallelujah, Amen."
Thanks for posting!

Very encouraging.

My wife and I were Christian by title for awhile. We moved and start going to a church that emphasized the importance of small groups or home groups basically Christian friends. Having a group of Christian friends and meeting just once a week and doing Bible studies did wonders for our spiritual growth. That and just spending time in God's word. Sounds to simple to really work but it does.

My opinion is there is no reason for a Christian to not spend time in God's word daily. There are many apps that will read the Bible to you from a smart phone.

Youversion is my favorite.

Going further:

What you put in your brain is what you become. Spend all day on CompD and before you know you have 50k in a 20k pickup, not that I've done that more than once! Want to have a closer relationship with God but spend one hour in church a week or every other week then spend the rest of the time watching Netflix or consuming other media that couldn't be viewed in church is probably not the best approach. For me that was uncomfortable to even think about. Once we really tried to remove things from our lives that fit that definition our relationship with God improved drastically as we weren't flushing out our minds with crud for a lack of a better term. Living a Christ centered life is a full life from what I've found. I still do dumb things that I shouldn't but it's the fact that my conscience is not seared and I regret these things and repent. God is awesome and removes my sins as far as the east is from the West!

None of this is meant to draw attention from that mini sermon above haha!

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
1 Peter 3:15 NIV
It's hard to find a church with preaching like this! I think many of us followed the same path. Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

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If you claim to be a Christian here, I would ask you this. Do you remember that time in your life when you saw your sin for what it is, and then saw Jesus for what He is? Is He precious to you? Does He consume your thoughts? Are you willing to give up all that you have to follow Him? I'm not talking sinless perfection, not on this side of eternity, I'm talking a new creation. See 2 Cor 5:17

I remember it well. I grew up going to church pretty regularly, like you. I'd heard the Bible stories but to me they were just stories. I even had the head knowledge of what it takes to be saved - but knowing isn't believing. I tried hard to be good because of what my friends and parents would think.

A day came in grade 3 when I was outside with a couple friends, also from my church. Praise God for good Christian friends with Godly parents! We began talking about Christianity and due to some of my comments, they asked me if I was a Christian... I said "No.." We grew up in the same church, in the same Sunday school classes learning about the same Bible stories. Needless to say, they were a little surprised. Then one of them just blurted out "But Jesus died for YOUR sins!" That was the moment right there where suddenly I realized these Bible stories are 100% true, and it was the first time I personalized the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. That applies to ME! He did that not just for "the world", but for ME! There was a real turning point there where suddenly I believed something I had only previously known in my head. I told them I wanted to get saved (belief had already taken place, but hey, I was like 8 ok? Lol) There was a big old spruce tree in the corner of the school yard and the boys said we needed to go there to pray, because I was going to want to remember this. Such wise friends at a young age! We all knelt under that tree and I admitted my sin to the Lord and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save me. That was the confirmation of my new belief! From there on I began to grow as a Christian. Being saved at such a young age along with having good Christian friends to keep me accountable sure kept me out of a ton of trouble as I grew up and I sure praise the Lord for that!

Today, God has blessed me with an amazing Godly wife and I very much enjoy our family devotions, being able to pray and read Bible together, teaching my children right from wrong and to show them from scripture the hope that's in Jesus. The questions my kids ask and how deep their young understanding really is blows me out of the water sometimes!

I want to be the parent of that small boy or girl that leads their friend to Christ.

Thank you so much for posting Tx tyre fryer!

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I learned something new on the repent/reconsider part. Thanks.
Thank you sir.

Sometimes it feels good to get that slap on the face. lol

I disagree about the end is near statement. No one knows. Thank goodness it didn't happen with Elvis Presley.

This world is changing by leaps and bounds compared to centuries ago. Societal/human urge to resist the change lets one easily fall on "the end is near" propaganda.

I am closer to God now than I have ever been in my 46 years. I have committed plenty of sin in the past and I continue to pile it on. I have a lot to learn and a pile of good to give back so I'm not looking for the end any time soon.

Some folks on here think I'm crazy for some of the things I've wrote and actions I've taken in the past couple months. I stopped asking why and just went with it until the wife hid the money. I still haven't figured it out, but I do know, good or bad, I have certainly touched a lot of folks. So I'm hearing anyway.

I'm also engaging in a career dream I have had since my dad took me to see Bob Glidden at the 1996 Spring Nationals. I might run this puppy into the ground, but, I feel I have some divine intervention going on and I'm just gonna run with it.

Thanks again and thanks to LORDDiESEL for his contributions.

Arch Stalnaker
Stalnaker Racing Services
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Thanks for sharing, I think most of us can relate to your story. Truth is living the Christian life is a constant struggle and we all fall short of the glory of God.

Something that I feel has helped me learn more and grow is starting my mornings with a devotion. Ive read the one from the Duck Commander folks who I believe to be a fine Christian family. Their biographies of Si Phil and Willie and Korie are great reads too!

Just recently this year ive been reading from Jonathan Cahns The Book of Mysteries, which I would highly recommend! This has to do with a lot deeper meaning of stuff in the bible you often overlook and takes the Hebrew culture into account too because the author is jewish. Makes me wonder how much we actually miss from the bibles we use today? From lost texts and mistranslation.

God Bless yall
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. I enjoyed reading this.

Thanks for posting!

What you put in your brain is what you become. Spend all day on CompD and before you know it you have 50k in a 20k pickup, not that I've done that more than once! Want to have a closer relationship with God but spend one hour in church a week or every other week then spend the rest of the time watching Netflix or consuming other media that couldn't be viewed in church is probably not the best approach. For me that was uncomfortable to even think about. Once we really tried to remove things from our lives that fit that definition our relationship with God improved drastically as we weren't flushing out our minds with crud for a lack of a better term. Living a Christ centered life is a full life from what I've found. I still do dumb things that I shouldn't but it's the fact that my conscience is not seared and I regret these things and repent. God is awesome and removes my sins as far as the east is from the West!

This is so true and I can see it happen/happening in my life and the lives of others as well. Taking simple actions to try and spend more time in the word and discussing the word can make a world of a difference. Thanks for sharing that.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. I enjoyed reading this.

This is so true and I can see it happen/happening in my life and the lives of others as well. Taking simple actions to try and spend more time in the word and discussing the word can make a world of a difference. Thanks for sharing that.

God is good!!

I listen to CSN (Christian Satellite Network) all day I drive a lot.

Click link to find station I your area.

Sermons all day.

Just listening to this instead of I lost my dog and wife left town so I'm drinking all my beer twangy music has been such a blessing in my life!!
Makes me wonder how much we actually miss from the bibles we use today? From lost texts and mistranslation.

God Bless yall

I really enjoy listening to Ravi Zacharias explanations for difficult to answer questions about Christianity.

A person can just about type a question and put Ravi Zacharias after it on YouTube haha.

On his website RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) I found this:

The Bibliographic Test
The bibliographic test looks at the ancient manuscripts of the Bible and asks whether the text of the Bible we have today is the same as the original? The simple answer is “yes”. There are thousands upon thousands of ancient manuscripts of the Bible, dating from the early second century down to the middle ages. When you compare what we have for the Bible with, say, what we have in terms of manuscripts for other important works of antiquity — Plato or Thucydides — it’s striking. For the Bible, we have 5,000 Greek manuscripts, hundreds of papyri, almost 350 Syriac copies (most dating to the 400s). On top of this, virtually the entire New Testament could be reproduced from quotations in the early church fathers; 32,000 such quotations exist before the Council of Nicaea in AD325, for example.
Many of these manuscripts are staggeringly early. For example, the John Rylands fragment (P52) dates to around AD120. Codex Sinaiticus dates to about 350AD and contains virtually all of the New Testament — I remember visiting the British Library a few years ago and staring at this beautiful object, just a few centimetres away from me behind a pane of glass. One felt that one was in touch with history.
Why are these manuscripts important? Because they enable us to be confident that the text of the Bible we have today is extremely accurate and close to the original. Historian and textual critic Ben Witherington has remarked that critical scholarship is about 99% certain of all of the New Testament text now — indeed, that we’re closer to the original text of the New Testament now than anytime since the first couple of centuries, so good is the scholarship.

Full text version there were three test I believe I included that one.

Hope that helps a little!