danny toops aka outlaw99 bad buyer

you said you attempted to send me reciepts... I told you numerous time I didnt get them.. I have no reason to lie... send them today or tom. 1-740-852-5449 thats my work fax.. im sitting 1 ft away from it right now...
What's with all the kickin' EVERYONE in the crotch these days? Jebus, does everyone have sand in their vajAjA? Funny how everyone claims to have tried to call 50 times but as soon as someone starts a bashin' thread, they reply to each other within exactly 9 minutes?

If everyone would answer their dayum phone, I think the world would be a happy place. LOL

Nuckin' futz...that is what it is.
you said you attempted to send me reciepts... I told you numerous time I didnt get them.. I have no reason to lie... send them today or tom. 1-740-852-5449 thats my work fax.. im sitting 1 ft away from it right now...

Oh it's on - fax on da way
So, How many pics of male parts have been faxed to danny
I talked to him numerous times before all this went down, I simply said send me the reciepts and u will have your money! he never attempted to send them after the blurry 10ft away phone pic that I got! so I held onto the studs.. I ignored his phone calls cause whats there to talk about?? I texted him the # and even gave a dress to send paperwork to..even suggested just have industrial send it to me if easier not everyone has a fax machine!