4.88 Gear's change worth it?


VP44 pwr
Aug 23, 2008
With an automatic at 3900 down the track. We're running 4.10 and 2nd gear right now.-whick should be around 24 mph in thoery. Will running 4.88 and third gear be worth the change?-That would should bring the mph to 29.
Your assuming you have the HP to maintain the same RPM.
Yeah but are auto guys running them? it seems like most are either 3.54 or 4.88
Some auto guys are running them, it just depends on the HP of the truck, 4.88's might do the trick, also.
Some run it and others say the spread is too far but I would think running the 4.63 in the rear and a 4.56 in the front will give you the best ratio for running in 3rd for your truck @ 12.6:1 rear & 12.4:1 front. The 4.88's (13.27:1)will be quite a bit better running 3rd than what you have now running 2nd (13.96:1). Really depends on the rest of your setup as far as charger, tires, what kind of tracks you pull on. Not familiar with your truck...
If you talk to the folks at scheid they say you need along the lines of 14:1 or higher for your final.
Have you tried 3rd with your 4:10's just to see what happens? There is a 2.6 truck around here that runs 3rd with 4:10's and down gears to 2nd at the end and always seems to do well. I dont like downgearing at the end of the track because its harder on stuff, but it has worked well for him.
