AFC foot


New member
Sep 3, 2008
My buddy just got a 12 valve and somebody told him to just throw out the afc foot (not sure its thats what its called, its the thing that slides with boost pressure) has anybody done this?

Seems kidna ingorant to me because you wont have any adjustability and itd be all fuel all the time. that doesnt seem very good for smoke controll and spool up IMO
ignorant is correct

tell him not to listen to anyone on cummins forum
ha thanks thats what I thought too. I told him I think the washer trick would be best, we already ground the face of it about an 1/8. Has anybody tried one of these for an adjustable wastegate? I just thought of it lol
No not that. You need to get a 5/16 or 8mm (not which one) fender washer and replace the factory thick washer behind the red rubber air seal/plunger. Without running a thin washer you won't be able to get the foot travel that I want since I ground down the foot off.
I've tried a brass needle valve on the wastegate reference line for a WH1C. IIRC, it actually worked pretty well. The AFC washer mod also works pretty well, as far as gaining rack travel...
It's not the end of the world if you run without an AFC foot. I'm not arguing that its not nice to have a fine tuned AFC on a street truck, but if you're not running one it's not that big of a deal. You just can't mash the pedal when taking off. Just kinda have to roll into it gently and work a little more to drive it without it smoking like a train.
I think every old 12v guy has tried it and realized that it's easier to compete when you have a tool like the AFC working for you
You done ground the barrel so do the finder washer, back the screw on the back all the way till it just touches, and play with the starwheel and housing position. I've done everything but grind the barrel never knew how much tho.
doesn't matter how much you grind the barrel really... I usually knock off 3/8 or so... more than enough certainly.
the way I see it is only an 1/8 is neccasary, anymore won't do anything because its not porssible it increase travel past that because the limiting facter is still the washer in the red air seal. I'm going to unhook the wastegate and see how much boost is possible then probably use the needle valve to set the boost to 36-37 if thats possible and tune up the preboost screw.. We'll see how it works tomorrow
exactly, so why nit-pick on how much to knock off? just knock it down a good amount and not worry.

I also shim the first AFC washer back on the shaft a little to give it a hair more travel