After 30 years of active duty

I know your tired of it I was too but glad I stayed for a retirement check, with VA benefits and Post 9/11 though it's not bad at all......don't know how much time you have in either.

Scott and Jim congrats to both you guys!! At least 12 more years for me then it don't start for another 30 years

Yeah man hold out for the retirment, it aint that bad and you can't get a pension anywere else these days !!!!! maybe not even the military if chit goes down like some want it.

Jim I am dinging the CWO4 Penssion, and my son is using 72 months of post 911 G.I. Bill going to UCF and living in his own appartment equivilent to E-5 BAH : )

Haven't got the VA stuff done yet but it should be pretty decent compensation when all said and done.


Yeah man hold out for the retirment, it aint that bad and you can't get a pension anywere else these days !!!!! maybe not even the military if chit goes down like some want it.

Jim I am dinging the CWO4 Penssion, and my son is using 72 months of post 911 G.I. Bill going to UCF and living in his own appartment equivilent to E-5 BAH : )

Haven't got the VA stuff done yet but it should be pretty decent compensation when all said and done.


Agreed, W-4 at 30 is really nice, post 9/11 program is great, glad you got to pass it on to him......V/A is coming, they start reviewing my claim on Oct 1!

Agreed, W-4 at 30 is really nice, post 9/11 program is great, glad you got to pass it on to him......V/A is coming, they start reviewing my claim on Oct 1!


Let me know how it shakes out, you have a VA hospital close by?
