Any info on this car??

hey greg long time no see was trying to get it done for fall braw keeping it on the down low. suposed to pull 1300-1500 on fuel if the fuel is there. then it all went to ****. if i knew the engine was hurt i would of pulled it. i think it was hurt when i took you for a ride.
i spent a lot of time and a tone of money on the truck last year. cutting fitting polishing. 11pm sunday night labor day weekend after about 3 months of late nighters i fired it up. and found out i had 2 dead cylinders. couldnt really tell last time the ran with the different turbo set up. but you can feel the pipes now and 2 were stone cold and pushing raw fuel. i got fed up with it and took to my buddy shop and sat it in a corner and covered it up. i couldnt stand looking at it. have to get the injectors tested. after i do a compression test. but it is not easy to get to the injectors you got to take the turbos off. it just makes me sick. lol better to walk away then to burn it.
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