BBD in the Burb

Great looking pics Scott. I would love to look out my door one day and see someone cruising down the road in a pro-mod puller...:rockwoot:
Not exactly a California Hybrid :) the three point turn is right on the money though as the turning radius isn’t that great. I will put up a picture of it in the drive way were she spends a majority of her time just hanging out.

Not exactly a California Hybrid :) the three point turn is right on the money though as the turning radius isn’t that great. I will put up a picture of it in the drive way were she spends a majority of her time just hanging out.


It would be so cool to have a mod truck sitting in the driveway... Do you often find people stopping in front of your house staring or taking pictures?

It would be so cool to have a mod truck sitting in the driveway... Do you often find people stopping in front of your house staring or taking pictures?


Actually I am glad I don't live a busier street as folks stop by when they see it and it slows down productivity. :)

Thanks Bill,

That's something you don't see everyday. Love to see it 0-mach 3 down that narrow road dodging garbage cans. Put some lumber in the back, that will get people thinking.