Cleaning the undercarriage


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Got the truck a little muddy today responding to call. Just wondering what you guys use to clean the undercarriage of your trucks. I spent about three hours just hitting it with water and got most of the mud off. I was thinking about spraying everything down with some purple power and spraying it down again then spraying the undercarriage with some WD-40. What do you guys think?

Here are some pics I got




Just set a water sprinkler under the truck and go inside and have a few beers!
Just set a water sprinkler under the truck and go inside and have a few beers!

You beat me too it! I used to do the same thing with my Jeep, moving the sprinkler from the back to the front a few feet at time helps too.
Yep the Purple Power stuff cleans ok, I think the simple green is a little better though. I have to comment, looks like y'all pissed off some logger by putting the skidder out! Man, you are supposed to let them burn, then call the FD. Painted iron doesn't fetch anymore money at the scrap yard than rusted and burned iron. Steven.
I heard using simple green on the motor is awesome at getting crap off im sure it would also work for under the truck to just got to let it sit and work itself in for like 5 min....I like the sprinkler idea tho never thought of that lol
Purple power makes all the aluminum under my hood look bad. Also eats the edge off my edge box.
Simple green works good but don't let it sit long that green sticks around for awhile :)
make sure not to get purple power on the paint it ate my clear off in spots....
Looks pretty clean to me.

That's what I was thinking.

I hate it when you have to hit the windshield wash, then it smears, then you run out of fluid, then you have to use whatever liquid you can find in the truck. :doh: