Electric windows and locks question


GA Diesel Mafia
Mar 16, 2008
My sister in law has a 2008 quad cab that is an ST model. I have been talking to her about converting the manual windows and locks out to electric. I have a couple questions about it.

Is the wiring harness the same minus the door wires from the switches and motors? Basically are the wires and plugs there where all I have to do is get a door panel with the switches and put the motors in and plug it up? I figured it's easier for Dodge to put the same harness in every truck and just leave the motor and switches out.
Yeah should be there but the fuse panel "TIPM" may need to be flashed. Can't believe they still make a manual crank option!
Yeah should be there but the fuse panel "TIPM" may need to be flashed. Can't believe they still make a manual crank option!

My good friend own a Dodge dealership so getting that done won't be a problem