excessive white smoke when in gear at idle

well I have replaced lift pump because it was bad and the hose between the fuel heater and lift pump was shot it had fuel acutally in the middle of the hose I no this because when I took everything apart I noticed the cracks but the line was dry so I flexed it and fuel bubbled out flaked off some of the cracked part and fuel in it.

My injectors are fine I know this because the guy who built them for me is the one who went though them and check all of them but not saying somthing wasn't still stuck in the injection line and plugged a injector again even though I blow them out with air I will no more tomorrow afternoon when I actually start the truck and see what happens no that I got a new hose and lift pump on.
good luck to you hope that fixes your problem ! those little problems suck !
they drive you nuts and are hard to find !
well guys that didn't fix the problem so tomorrow I'm reseting the valve and checking governor spring I even pull the injectors today and all was fine there so not sure what to do now if these to don't fix it unless the p pump is on its way out but the truck blacks out a four lane if you step down on it so its getting fuel just not using it effectively the said part is it was perfect then one second later it happened. And you can't take it to a dealer they have no idea when it come to having aftermarket stuff on them they don't even know what is in the pump.
have you checked compression by chance ?? you might have a bad head gasket with compression jumping between 2 cylinders . i doubt it but maybe. this is a really strange problem and please if you find it post in case anyone else should run up the same demon.

wonder if you might have lost a fin on your turbo exhaust side keeping it from boosting ! might want to check shaft play as well
well guys I reset vavle two intakes were a touch lose so they a perfect now.
check governor spring one had backed off on click so reset those and rpms are back where they should have been plus my boost is back to hitting 44 but still not smacking 50 like it was but truck is running better, But still smoke at idle and when you first take off for about 200 foot or you get in it some and it clean right up unless you get in it to much then straight to black. and when you come to a stop it take about 2 to 3 seconds then start puffing at idle and slowly build back up to the amount I'm talking about and its worse when in drive actually twice as much.
OK here it is guys the solution to the problem finaly easy fix and yet another problem I have found with the new fuel we have to use beside a mpg drop.

Here is the solution I run one bottle of Amsoil diesel fuel additive though the truck after the first half take I added it to no more excessive smoke at idle actually unless cold out almost no smoke at all and when cold out just some when you first start it up like normal so there you have it easy fix and yet another reason I can't stand the epa and fuel restriction we indure daily the new fuel sucks.
send them a bill ! tell them i spent a butt load of money trying to fix a problem only to find out it was you new and improved crappy fuel causing me the problems
lets see it should look like this to exxon mobil and EPA list of parts ect and time involved and then what the probelm was and fix followed by couple thousand dollar bill for hours spent on it and part then a clause at bottom that says check with me on date check is to be sent out I will have to check stock market to tell you if the cost when up or done on bill and it can change hourly.