FOR SALE injs, turbo, etc


New member
Nov 30, 2008
I'm cleaning some stuff up so I have some parts I want to get rid of...
S475 only 2500 miles but has minimal in/out play for some reason 300
Lighting 4s 6 x .18 set for p pump 750
01 24v Crank great shape 200
Vp 44 good CORE 50
Timing case 24v make offer
It's best to call or text me at 4433092162 anytime to get ahold of me
im willing to trade for some smaller inj set up for p pump 24v or some wheels plus cash thanks
turbo is sold and pending on the vp44 everything else still up for grabs
What setup where you running with those injectors? Might be interested in them for our pulling truck.
how big are mach 7s...? and rolling coal what do you mean by setup what chargers?