Harder Cold start

Well mine wouldn't start yesterday, I cycled my key 3 or 4 times and no go. Went out today and cranked it 2 times and it fired up. I ordered a rail plug and I got a spare fca I'm going to try and check resistance on the injectors.
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dont rule out the stock lift pump

injector returns, or crossover tubes.. my crossover tubes checked just fine tho...
I tested 2 injectors today (had to go to work) 1.5 ohm on both ill check the rest tomorrow.
injectors tested well

all returns were great.. crossover tubes tho, three had some small cracks on them... were all replaced when injectors went in.. for good measure, tested batteries, both were rock solid, rebuilt starter, and had alternator checked.. ALL OF THE ABOVE for good measure...

truck fires up better than new now...

so now you all know how i spent my weekend...

now onward to garage door, yardwork, and 12 valve injector install kit..

TxDiesel007, so all you did was replace connecting tubes and it fired up good?

Mine is starting up funny.Its kinda getting worse now. New injectors last year. New fca last week. Started up beautifully 3 weeks ago and no problems last year and it was freezing -30c

Heres a video, hiccups at 0:17

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNGNBvvt2mw&feature=player_embedded"]Cummins start up - YouTube[/ame]
check your batteries..

they most likely need to be load tested..seen that with my mine before too, after original injector istall, in short that would be the simplest way to go first...

Yes i did replace the tubes.. three of the six had cracks on them, and just looked "worn" out to me... the cracks were large enough to actually see with the eye tho.. so my logic was comparable to a 12v kit when the seals are leaking.. theres got to be some air going in there.. JUST for further measure tho, i removed the batteries again, had them load tested, removed the starter, rebuilt it, and took my alternator to get checked at the same shop that rebuilds my starters, and they said it was fine... i did all the above, because in the three years ive owned the truck, as well, ive never checked the starter or alternator.. again eliminate all variables while im there...

yes it seems like alot of work, and it was... but i am was not leaving any stone unturned to have the truck start like crap... eliminating the injectors was enough of a saver right there (even tho they were still under warranty)immediately i suspected the lift pump originally... but its good and strong, and further searching here pointed away from it (no sputtering etc)

FWIW.. mine are NAPA golds that came with the truck.. and i just took them back, and got new ones no questions asked...when i needed them.. one needed "definite" replacement, the other one was borderline..
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Okay its getting cold here now -20c and she fired up flawlessly today. I put diesel kleen in a few days ago maybe its helping?
Okay its getting cold here now -20c and she fired up flawlessly today. I put diesel kleen in a few days ago maybe its helping?

might want to stay away from that stuff. there are WAY better additives out there
You and your CR luck Rick LOL


have you read my new title?:hehe:

so far its been good.. but these are all problems ive dealt with before.. (battery issues and now crossover tubes and so forth) and with every one i have had.. it makes me love my 12 valve that much more.. infact im gonna go hug my truck right now...


PS i also learned that a quick visual check is not always the best way to go.. couldnt see those cracks on the crossover tubes till they were out in the light...:bang

but now on the positive side.. my dumbass can pull injectors and crossover tubes with more ease now that ive done it twice...:clap:
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