Junker Drag Truck takes a Vette at LVMS

Big Blue24

Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 5, 2008
Tonight I lined up the "sleeper"....err... 95' Junker Drag Truck against a middle aged man in a late model Corvette. The margin of victory was small but a win is a win!

It was a little after midnight when we raced so I doubt anyone got a video.

The Junker ran 15.004 @ 92.68 with .321 reaction time to the Corvette's 14.612 @ 105.96 with .741 reaction time. Needless to say, by the time this race occurred, the track had been oiled down multiple times and traction was nowhere to be found with street tires.

I enjoy watching the drags @ the local 1/8th mile strip and keeping tally of which vehicles I have "beat" (aka e.t. /trap speed) with my 8.97 @ 81

I don't drag race, so I fail to see how you beat a car that ran a faster time with a higher overall speed? Are you just saying you had a faster reaction time?
Must've beat him to the stripe because the Vette was passed out at the tree??

Tonight I lined up the "sleeper"....err... 95' Junker Drag Truck against a middle aged man in a late model Corvette. The margin of victory was small but a win is a win!

It was a little after midnight when we raced so I doubt anyone got a video.

The Junker ran 15.004 @ 92.68 with .321 reaction time to the Corvette's 14.612 @ 105.96 with .741 reaction time. Needless to say, by the time this race occurred, the track had been oiled down multiple times and traction was nowhere to be found with street tires.


Must've beat him to the stripe because the Vette was passed out at the tree??

from the time of the light going green.. junker beat the vet to the line not by much mainly becuase hte vet spent almsot a full second at the startign line before moving.
15.004+r/t.321= 15.325
14.612+r/t.741= 15.353
I don't drag race, so I fail to see how you beat a car that ran a faster time with a higher overall speed? Are you just saying you had a faster reaction time?

from the time of the light going green.. junker beat the vet to the line not by much mainly becuase hte vet spent almsot a full second at the startign line before moving.
15.004+r/t.321= 15.325
14.612+r/t.741= 15.353

There you have it. Junker beat the vette by .028
Gotcha... didn't know you had to add the two together, thought that was done on the scoreboard

Drag racing scoring 101

Score board only tell you who won and both of their times and mph's. You have to look at the slip for the reaction time and add it in. During time trials many tracks show the r/t on the board as soon as you launch then the et and mph when you cross the line. In bracket racing they show what time you dialed before you launch and then your finish time. If you go faster than your dail you break out, if both lanes break out the one who does it the least wins. A package is the difference in what you dail against your actual et and what your rt time is and those two added together. So if you dial a 13.0 and run a 13.10 and your reaction time is .10 then your "package" is 0.2 seconds. A perfect package is 0.0 and I have never seen it done, but I'm sure it has been. My best package was a 0.005 perfect dial and a rt of 0.005, pure luck on my part.

Some tracks use 0.000 as the perfect reaction time and some use 0.500 as the perfect r/t. I personally find the 0.500 to be confusing because you have to take that amount off to figure your, "package". The .500 is the time between the lights on the xmas tree hence they use the 0.500 at the perfect reaction time but don't ask me why.
To comment on the poor reaction times, Las Vegas Motor Speedway runs a pro-tree timer on Friday night racing. To the inexperienced racer, it's easy to have a terrible reaction time. It's almost impossible to red-light on a pro-tree when you stage shallow and launch off of a foot brake.

The other reason the Vette lost was he spun horribly at the starting line. His 60' time was almost 3 seconds on that run. The very next pass his 60' time was close to 2 seconds flat.

If the Junker had a little more traction, it would run 14.40's all day long.