Need help ppump 24valve


New member
Feb 4, 2016
OK guys I'm ppumping my 01 24valve I am using my vp injectors when using them does that advance or retard the timing and if so how much second question in order to use my throttle do I need a 12valve throttle kit or can I use the crazy Carl apps kit if I can use the kit can someone post some pics so I can see how it's set up thanks
Doesn't make enough difference between vp pop pressure and ppump pressure to notice in timing. Peace of mind would be a degree or 2 higher.
Also depends on line size. If the truck is manual trans there is no need for the crazy Carl kit, cruise won't work anyway on the truck if electronic and not vacumm cruise operated. Makes more junk and still has a sensor, try and find 12v linkage, bell crank and cable and you will have a cleaner setup.

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