QSB 03-04 pistons in CR= less H.P???

Granted, but from CI testing?... likely not even from DI - otherwise, I'd be interested in the link or any excerpt.

There's a lot more to combustion chamber schemes than bowl features & C/R; everything in-cylinder can (and should) be optimized for a particular combo or goal.

Of course CI, and DI. A high swirl bowl consumes energy, simple fact. This was required to promote good mixing and combustion with relatively lower injection pressures.

The wide bowl with its lower swirl ratio consumes less energy and needs to promote good mixing with high injection pressures.
Of course CI, and DI. A high swirl bowl consumes energy, simple fact. This was required to promote good mixing and combustion with relatively lower injection pressures.

The wide bowl with its lower swirl ratio consumes less energy and needs to promote good mixing with high injection pressures.

Keeping it in context, a high-swirl bowl expends more energy in order to promote better combustion.

If you don't have a link or excerpt from the SAE tidbits, do you recall what the testing quantified lower injection pressure and lower swirl ratio as?

In the interest of semantical purity, swirl as referenced here is describing the tumble centered on the piston's vertical axis?