Torque Convertor Lockup and Idle after 4ks


Active member
May 19, 2010
Ok guys excuse me for my ignorance here and try to work with me. I am not familiar with auto trans.
Here is the story- This weekend I put the 4ks into my buddies truck. It had 3ks so all i did was put the small spring in. Got that done and the idle needed let down a little. We proceeded to do that and we couldnt let the idle down do to the cruise control cable is holding it from going down any further. Well we went ahead and just rolled with the idle being a little high. Went and drove the truck and now anytime you get out of the throttle in overdrive the convertor unlocks. It didnt do this until we put the 4ks in.

While we are on the subject, this trans has never felt right. It has a triple disk convertor, shift kit, and fresh rebuild. If you just leave the truck in drive it shifts ok and fairly quick. However if you shift the truck manually about 2100-2200 while just moderatly on it, the truck will go straight into gear and in a nice firm manner. Is there anyway to get the truck to shift like this when you just leave it in drive? Is there something out of wack in adjustment? Like i said guys forgive me for my ignorance.
The converter is supposed to unlock anytime you let off the throttle or hit the brakes. Sounds like everything is working fine to me.
Well i kinda thought the same thing but wasnt for sure. However do you have any tips on the shifting?
Sounds like mine and I've had it built for a 100k miles with no issues.
Ok ill tell him. This is why i stick with the standard trucks. Im used to a built th350 in an old car and these just arent the same animal.
put a lockup switch in... $3 in parts and a little time researching which wire to tap
What year is it? I recommend adjusting he TV cable for your shift issues. Since you adjusted your idle and have messed with the linkage I would try resetting the TV cable depending on what year it is. You would be surprised how much the TV will change thins. Thats all I got. Hope it helps
Sounds like the GSK might be a little tight, adding the small springs to make it a 4kgsk won't cause it to idle higher, try taking a click out of the springs to get the idle back where it was.

How did you adjust the idle, was it with the idle screw, or shorten/lengthen the linkage? Adjusting the idle/throttle linkage also plays with the T.P.S. voltage, which will effect lockup and the O/D shift.

Ok, I went three clicks on the springs like i do with all of the truck i have done. We went to adjust the idle using the idle adjustment screw as i see no need in screwing with the linkage. We touched nothing other than the idle adjustment screw and noticed that the cruise control cable is holding the throttle up and is resulting in a little high idle, at this point we stopped messing with it at this point.

The shifting is just kinda something that has been happening the whole time. I just figured since we were on the topic of this transmission i would see if there is any little secrets to firm up the shifts and possibly make sure something wasnt out of adjustment from the trans shop.

Also the convertor has started unlocking before you are all the way out of the throttle. You can ease out of it and just be lightly cruising and the convertor is unlocking...
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