tranny removal, draining fluid?


New member
Jun 27, 2008
im gonna do a rear main seal on a truck with a 47rh 2wd, do I need to drain tranny fluid or not?
I think it will make a mess when you pull the driveshaft yoke out of the transmission and then again if the transmission gets tilted at all.
I'd imagine you're gonna need to disconnect the cooler lines and pull the dipstick tube to pull the tranny. It'll save a hell of a mess if you drain it first before it drains itself on the floor.
The rear seal leaked a bit, one cooler line leaked a little, made a huge mess dropping pan, and trans where cooler goes is still pissing out quit a bit, drip drip drip. 7 of the torque converter bolts were well rounded, the 8th missing. Man I hate atf!