My son wants to get saved!

Note that you requested spiritual intercession for yourself as well as your son & his mother - and you should know that prayer without concordant action is something of an affront to God.
No sense complaining when you get what you asked for...

Since we've never even met, any positive or negative thoughts concerning you are based solely on your interactions with other people; although I accept at face value your word that you're a brother in Christ & try to give you benefit of the doubt in "situations", I won't sacrifice my credibility - and others' credulity - to only post positive things about you.
You own your actions, you're either able to stand by them in hindsight or not - quit worrying & whining about what the rest of us think of you... our opinion & a buck will get your son something off the dollar menu.
Consider instead how your character & actions align with God's word & will - He is who really matters.

BTW - I don't remember ever giving you a beat-down you didn't deserve. :)
You know, spare the rod & all that...
Very well said...
See man, thats the thing christians dont get.Whatever you profess in life, people will measure you to that perfect example.If you clame to love Christ and drive like crap REMOVE the sticker.I did.Not that i drive like a crazy christian.This theory of mine has a correlation with law enforcement or people in the position of authority.When we see them we hold them to the highest perfect example.All this is somewhat normal behavior.
For the love of God, hit the spacebar after a period!LOL
The ignorance and lack of respect on this forum never cease to amaze me. Why those that would have no business even being in this section find it necessary to post and mock those for their beliefs is beyond me.

AMEN to that brother. My thoughts exactly!:clap:
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The ignorance and lack of respect on this forum never cease to amaze me. Why those that would have no business even being in this section find it necessary to post and mock those for their beliefs is beyond me.

though i agree with you, this is the internet, and most importantly THIS is Compd

what i do know is that if anyone else would have made the same original post - this thread would not have attracted the sharks

Can I masterbate after I have been saved?

that chit is funny