turbo timer


No spark plugs
I was wondering if there is a turbo timer you guiys like to use. Sometimes I'm in a hurry and can't wait a few minutes with the truck idling. If you have one just let me know. I will pick it up.
Hi David,

DJ says, "they are all about the same. Can't really recommend one but, please, let us know what you find."

I dont think they are a supporting vendor? SP Diesel hase one for a good price and it's easy to install.

How long does it take your truck to cool down to 300*? I drive about 25 mph through my neighborhood and by the time I get into the garage I am close to 350, so by the time I get my stuff together it's cool enough to shut down.
6.0kingranch said:
Thanks viv. By the way my mom loved the way her truck runs with the sct she picked up.

That's great. It was really nice to see her again. When I commented how you guys were truly a Ford family I had not realized who you were or that you have been customers of DJ's for several years now :ylsuper:
