NHRDA East Coast Regional Championship October 24th

I never figured Mike to be a short indian guy...lol...

Hey, if you're gonna bash us short guys, at least get the ethnicity correct! I'm half-Filipino, and the other half is mostly Czech, with some English, Irish, French and Spanish mixed in...
Hey, if you're gonna bash us short guys, at least get the ethnicity correct! I'm half-Filipino, and the other half is mostly Czech, with some English, Irish, French and Spanish mixed in...
That too...
Joefarmer's Albums :: Phil's event pics

I've got some uploaded...slowly but surely I'll get em all uploaded.

Nice pictures can we hire you as official NHRDA photographer next year.

And I found the 2010 poster child

Got my last contingency winner's check Saturday, March 13th! Thanks sponsors!
Least you recieved yours. Still waiting on a west coast pay out, after sending paperwork over 5 times. Oh well, almost everyone paid.
Least you recieved yours. Still waiting on a west coast pay out, after sending paperwork over 5 times. Oh well, almost everyone paid.

Rob can you email who still owes you and I will make a phone call


BD didn't want to pay because I didn't have the paper work were I bought my manifold a year ago from one of there dist. It's pretty easy to see it's on there and offered to take pictures and show them. O well it will be one less sticker this year. Jeff